So it is a blackberry male? or is it a hermi? Nurseberry. LOL
Been surveying the damage Mr. Waldo did to my precious girls !-- Had to write it down cause too much to remember !-- Some got more some got less seed but --This is a list of the girls he got to !
AK 48
Blue T.E.
BOC --( Umbra's Box of Chocolate )
Golden Ticket -x- BOC
Purple Haze -- Maybe both phenos
Panama Power
Mazar -I -Shariff -- ( the one they make Lebanese Blond Hash from!)
Night Shade
Nurse Larry
Snow Desiel
White Indica
The White -x- Black Rose
Dam !
I noticed Jordan of the islands has two for one I'm thinking about picking up some triple berry pie anyone ever heard of that pretty cheap to there 60 bucks Canadian I know his God but it is really good and his gods green crack extractor addition is really good to