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Rose I'm a sloppy breeder !-- First Bud sent me pollen from his Strawberry Rhino to breed to Umbra's Strawberry --It got loose so I just got 4 seed wet where he got to the purple pheno of PH !

Waldo is my Black Berry Snow Lotus male I got from Giggy !--I want a blackberry and was gonna breed him to a couple girls but he got loose !-- I only have one male in bloom at a time so I know who the daddy was !-- So I bred him to a lower limb on the green pheno of PH because it was there !-- He was all over any girl in bloom at the time and yes he got to Nurse Larry a little !--So a Black Berry Snow Lotus male on a Nurse Larry mom !--
After reading about all these accidental legendary varieties like GG#4 !-- I figure I'm real good at accidents so maybe being a sloppy breeder is the way to go !- -I ain't breeding for no body but myself anyway !-- Shoot I got bout a dozen accidental breeding here !--Maybe something tasty ?--I know it all gonna be dank cause when U breed dank to dank U get dank ! --Ain't no lesser weed back there !
I had originally only wanted to breed Waldo to the Snow Desiel and my Blue Elephant but plans and me don't always work !-- I wanted a male from the BBSL on the Snow Desiel !-- I planned to use him on a "Feminized" practice seed run and become proficient at making feminized seed but NO Waldo got to do this !--It was a good plan !-- Now what ?
When my son found out I grew weed, back East, he would steal buds from me and smoke them with his friends. His friends kept saying that the buds had to be sprayed with some other drugs because pot doesn't get you that high. LOL No they were just smoking the wrong weed.
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I think I'm smoking the right kind of weed Umbra !-- Feels like it anyway !

Scooter watch !-- I need to ride !

Nope that would be political !-- I ain't saying nothing bout nothing !
I understand your son Umbra, if you're the worse grower in Cali, i don't want to meet the best.
Good Evening OFC.

Budlight nice looking NL bud.

Keef glad your feel better and beautiful bud porn.

Looking through the girls and the Bubblicious turn out to be male. Destroy it. And, the rest seem to be all girls.
Keef witch one is the p.p and what does she smell like

Thank you Ness
Evening O.F.C. !-- Been chatting with D.D. !-- Musta forgot to sign out again !-- Sorry !-- Give me a ticket !
Bud that P.P. is Panama Power from Hippy !-- This it's first run !-- Right now it's just a powder puff -- Waldo was there too but early so it'll have a few seed too !-- I like to take my cuts a few weeks into bloom and lots of cuts in veg have pistols !--Waldo back in there revegging so I guess I find out if they make seed !-- AK 48 is full of seed and back in veg trying to get it to reveg !-- She ain't want to !-- Waldo climbed all over her !-- One big seeded bud on top a stick !
Been surveying the damage Mr. Waldo did to my precious girls !-- Had to write it down cause too much to remember !-- Some got more some got less seed but --This is a list of the girls he got to !
AK 48
Blue T.E.
BOC --( Umbra's Box of Chocolate )
Golden Ticket -x- BOC
Purple Haze -- Maybe both phenos
Panama Power
Mazar -I -Shariff -- ( the one they make Lebanese Blond Hash from!)
Night Shade
Nurse Larry
Snow Desiel
White Indica
The White -x- Black Rose

Dam !
Besides the other stuff on the news --That I can't talk about !-- I see the FDA has said e-cigs are an effective way to quit smoking cigarettes !-- Oh Boy !-- Time to get serious about pressing some oil !-- FDA gonna encourage smokers to switch to an e-cig ? -- Me too !-- To one of my carts soon as I can get started !--
Smoking bad !--vaping good ? -- I can work with that !
Been surveying the damage Mr. Waldo did to my precious girls !-- Had to write it down cause too much to remember !-- Some got more some got less seed but --This is a list of the girls he got to !
AK 48
Blue T.E.
BOC --( Umbra's Box of Chocolate )
Golden Ticket -x- BOC
Purple Haze -- Maybe both phenos
Panama Power
Mazar -I -Shariff -- ( the one they make Lebanese Blond Hash from!)
Night Shade
Nurse Larry
Snow Desiel
White Indica
The White -x- Black Rose

Dam !

Dammm is right
I noticed Jordan of the islands has two for one I'm thinking about picking up some triple berry pie anyone ever heard of that pretty cheap to there 60 bucks Canadian I know his God but it is really good and his gods green crack extractor addition is really good to
Bud all I know about that place is they sell something called "Chemo" -- That tells me they tricky !-- Who knows U might get something outstanding ? -- Cuz U ain't gonna find commercial seed good as the stuff we grow in da O.F.C. ! -- Maybe it's just me ?--
Think I might need to revise that list !-- If they develop seed in veg he got to King Louie and Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel too !
Pollen and fans ? --Yeah !--Try it U won't like it !

Dam !
I noticed Jordan of the islands has two for one I'm thinking about picking up some triple berry pie anyone ever heard of that pretty cheap to there 60 bucks Canadian I know his God but it is really good and his gods green crack extractor addition is really good to

The seeds you choose shouldn't be based on price alone. With that said, I bought Archive's gelato #25 x Dosidos and In House's forbidden fruit x jelly breath.
There's over 12,000 varieties to choose from !-- I am not weed educated enough to even know how to make good choices !-- I want a group of plants that I grow and not be switching varieties for the flavor of the month !-- Nope I want some plants I'm familiar with and know what to expect !-- I don't even have room to properly grow the strains I got !-- Now Since Waldo got loose It might take me 2 years just to figure out what I got here !--
So screw a plan !-- I started 4 Purple Strawberry --4 - My last 4 Oregon Lemon and 4 Temple -x- BPU !-
What's a few more varieties?
LOL exactly. I popped some King Louis 13th og x Oregon lemons, sour secret, and sour punch
I got 2 Squish -x- Oregon Lemon plants in aero !-- I lost the little Lemon Shine plant !-- I'll have a lemon one way or another !--
Umbra did U say that Temple -x- BPU might be piney ?
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