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Ness U gonna put them outside in the ground or still in containers ? -Don't use the weed killer yet !- I don't know if it'll help but back in the day I grew outside in 5 gallon bucket for awhile then got tired of hauling stuff to the hidden grow! -- Anyway this is what I ended up doing !-- I pick my spot and clear around it some with a machete -- I haul in one those big bags of good dirt I put it on the ground next to the prepared plant site !-- I cut an "X" from corner to corner on back the bag !- Then flip the bag over onto the grow site -- Pull the flaps from the X U cut out and stretch it out from the bag gently to cover as much surrounding ground as possible -- cover those flaps with some local dirty and leaves !-- Keeps weed from growing next to your plant !-- When U bring your plants to the prepared site all U have to do is cut a slit in the top the bag of good dirt and plant in it !-- The plastic flaps from the X of the out stretched dirt bag will act like a weed barrier !-- When U finished planting there should be a slight bump in the ground with a plant sticking out but it should look as if no one has even been there !
We trying to be civilized so no fish hooks or ****y traps Ness !-- but a trail camera and an offset ****y trap that will just scare da hell out someone will give U a video that will give U hours of laughs watching it over and over !-- Maybe send a copy to da one got caught in your camera trap for thier enjoyment ?
A simple trip wire that will turn on one them bobcat call players turnt up to max --Right next to the trail ? --With the reaction of the trapped on video ? --Priceless !
Keef, I'm going to be putting them in bigger pots. So, if I have to I can move them around. I'm going to put four out there. I can not see if my plant are female or male yet. Some of them created a hard spot on the limbs were the stem meet and I can not see sex. I'll see if I can post pictures a little later. I open the White Widow up and the roots did not look good. I'm going to clone her to see what happens. I'll have two White Widows instead of one.
The spot I pick out no one can see anything. Nice and peaceful out where I'm at. But, I have been thinking of an alarm system the will go off if someone step on it. A loud one. So, it wake up the whole house. Than I'll let the dogs out. Yes, I'm excited now. TJ will not like it but he'll adapt.
Hi guy, Ness, please don't use weed killer around where your plants are. Can you water the ground and pull the weeds? Or you can put thick pieces of newspaper or any kind of paper or cardboard on the ground? that will kill the weeds if they are in the dark... most weeds.

It is tired at this house today. not doing much even tho there is much to do. Have a good afternoon you guys.
Evening OFC. It is Hot outside. Checked the Plants Time for a Joint. Ness I got some in 5 Gallon Buckets. They Look Better than in the Ground Plants.
Do you need an ice cold drink with that joint WoodH? 54 gallons are huge. that took a lot of soil. I used all my old homemade soil up this week, going to need some more..It has been a long time since I ran out of soil. I think filling 20 gallon pots are hard, how do you do 54?
Hi ya Rose I edited that post to read 5 Gallons. Yea 54 Gal. would be a Hugh Plant. Way Bigger than I need. We are Flying Low Under the Radar. And Yes I am Having a Frosty Cold one. My ex Street Dealer sent me some to sample. Harsh, Over Dry. I mean Brittle. Thanks to all the fine folks at MP I might be a Pot Snob. And I used to pay for it. Hopefully never again.
I resemble that pot snob remark. I wear it proudly. Ha ha harsh over dry...yuck.
Had myself a nap !-- It's hell hot outside !-- I need to get back to trimming -- I'm slow today !--
Hippy I used to stick those 5 gallon bucket in the middle of thorny vines --up trees -- Places that were hard to get to !-- I perfered restricted government land !-- If I wasn't supposed to be there neither was anyone else !
Sorry Rose I didn't mean to cause trouble !
Corned Beef Hash, Over Easy Egg on top Cover with Salsa. That be Supper.
Make me hongry Hippy !-- I been wanting that same meal lately !-- Never had it with salsa !-- but also been wanting Frito Chili Pie too !-- I'm think about this !-- Bout time to take a some of caps with some food anyway !
Keef one thing for sure I love Salsa. Now I do not do the Fire Breathing Dragon Salsa. Some Where Med. Nice Kick, A Little sweating OK. Our Local Grocery Store Found a Box of Corned Beef in the Freezer. From St Patrick's day. They marked them for 1.19 a LBS. We bought the 2 biggest Flats.
I was making some chili and I smoked this bowl of Jersey OG...then I forgot all about the chili. Now it is burnt chili. Going to smoke some more of that Jersey OG and forget about cooking. Turkey and sharp cheddar on sour dough with a slice of tomato.
I might better jump up and burn something in solidarity !-- I got some those irradiated shelf meals that don't need refrigeration !-- Been thinking about just ordering some those military MREs !-- I am all about quick food !
Mane after that Washington Post article leak that Mueller is investigating the Pres. For Obstruction of Justice I would love to be a fly on the White House wall tonight !
Smoking Delusional OG. Taste is Stellar, Got to watch it. I Got one Toke over the line after 4 Tokes. Jersey OG Have to put that in my notes.
Bud -- I forgot to send those strawberry seed out to U while D.D. was in !-- I'm sorry !-- I'm slow but I'll get it done !-- That pic up there ? -- That's the Strawberry Momma !-- She don't play !-- As it ages I'm starting to detect a faint of Strawberry !- Wonder if it will get even stronger with age !-- She still got a little Desiel undertones! -- I'm bout to put this phone down and make a little fire right now !
Whoa comin out the fog of dab testing for the day....hope everyone is high as they wanna be!
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