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Dog --Sorry to hear about your friend !-- One day maybe more people will have access to alternative treatments like this 60 grams of RSO in 60 days !-- I think it would help more than some realize !-- I hope he got and can keep good insurance !-- I know we got different political views but health care is important and I hope he gets the best care possible !-- I got this thing where I don't think U can put a price on human life !
If there is a treatment that offers hope it should not be reserved for those who can afford it and denied to those who can't !-- Ain't right !
Used to be 2 medicines U could use if a patient showed up at the ER with a heart attack -- One of the meds was very effective and very expensive --the other was somewhat effective -sometimes and cheap ! -- Kinda depended on what kind of insurance U had when it came to which one the patient got !-- The doctors and hospital had like an unspoken agreement !-- Back in the day we also had what they call patient "Dumping" -- A patient show up at the ER without insurance they patch him up and ship him to another hospital !- He had good insurance they admitted the patient to thier hospital !-- All hail the mighty dollar !
For me it is hard to separate out political, economical, and social issues. But it seems counter productive to cut funding to cancer research when a cure is very close. Treatments and an understanding of how cancer works has changed the lives of millions of people in this country alone. There is a lot of talk about healthcare and the costs associated with long term illnesses, and yet when there are areas where there is hope to solving some of these issues, the money is cut to give wealthy people more tax breaks. This is more than wrong.
Evening OFC Keef I agree with that. Everyone should get the same in medical treatment.
Rose umbra and everyone else. I need a High CBD low Thc weed. A young Lady We have known most of her life. Approached me today for help. She is Epileptic. Has a Implant. When she turned 21 Her Doctor would NO Longer Prescribe her CBD. Some stupid clause they put in for children only. I willing to make room for her plant. Just need to know what to look for.
There be plants like that here Hippy !-- I would suggest U talk to Umbra !-- He has experience treating himself for the same problem !-- He's the expert on epilepsy !-- Rose got the experience with CBD plants !
Talk to them and we put together a plan !-- Then make it happen !
Umbra --U riding the line that gets me into trouble !-- What they call that stuff "Sociopolitical" ? -- How your life shapes your politics ? -- U would think we could all agree that cancer research is very important but Cuz we don't even all agree that a woman has a right to make decisions about her own body !-- Until we can seperate religion and politics from each other and things like health care we just barely out the stone age ! --Backward and ignorant !-- Must be gods will ? -- No I ain't buying that !
Hippy U gonna extract it and make her some medicine like a tincture or RSO ? -- U know what she was being treated with ? -- That might be best approach! -- Find out what she was taking and start there ? --
Honestly, I just smoke, eat, and drink as much cannabis as I can stand. Not much of a method. Rose has some seeds that I sent her that might be the answer. Valentine, St Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy.
I don't even have epilepsy Umbra !--but --That's pretty much what I do to !-- Different people got different goals in life !-- Mine is keeping my old a** alive till they find the cure to aging !-- I got every intention of sitting around a campfire one day telling people horror stories about getting old !-- Already told D.D. they find that cure to aging and it's too expensive for me ? -- I'm steal it !-- Chin up and proud with no moral problems about stealing it !
Honestly, I just smoke, eat, and drink as much cannabis as I can stand. Not much of a method. Rose has some seeds that I sent her that might be the answer. Valentine, St Valentine is the patron saint of epilepsy.
She is not against the THC, Just not High Doses. She Does smoke sometimes. Say Eating it helps more. I sent her home with a dozen Gummys I had. She was starting with a half of one first. And I think Rose was going to make some seeds. Thanks umbra.
Hi WeedH, I don't have any valentine seeds yet. I have 3 plants waiting to be sexed. I plan to make seeds, what i do have is Harley Tsu. the likely hood that they are high cbd is 70% I have known genetics in clone. If you can wait a while i can take cuttings and send you a cutting. I could do that with valentine when they are sexed and cloned.

Do you know the cbd she was on or was it hemp? We could always buy her some tincture.
Looks like Hippy better make more Gummies ? -- I had a great big bottle of caps this morning but I sent them with D.D. !-- She used to get these injections in her temple and all these be " trigger points" all around her head !-- Changed jobs --has to wait then start the insurance approval process all over again but the migraines don't know that !-- May not be as good as the doctors shots but I can help !-- Speak of da devil ? --Just got a text from D.D. --She made it back to Austin safely !-- Gonna work some overtime and buy me a new scooter !-- Just because I want another ride does not give me the right to move some dank !--Wouldn't take that much ?
Thanks Rose. A Clone from you would be a long trip. We can try. She said she has had no Grand or Petite since the implant. She Does have a few Stand Stare she calls them A month. I could make a Tincture. From a early harvested plant.
Or U could pack some caps with decarb and tell her figure out her dosage ? -- Maybe just ask how she would like her meds ?-- Those Gummies probably gonna work fine !-- U may need more lights and room to grow ?
Or U could pack some caps with decarb and tell her figure out her dosage ? -- Maybe just ask how she would like her meds ?-- Those Gummies probably gonna work fine !-- U may need more lights and room to grow ?
You Know I told the Wife that last week, Was told When I get the room ready. To proceed Slowly.
'Lectric Jerky ?-- 1 lb Hamburger -- 1/2 pack jerky cure -- 1 pack jerky seasoning -- Plus a secret ingredient that ... U know ? but how much per lb. of hamburger ? -- Dehydrate at 160 degrees for 4-6 hours !
I shouldn't tried that jerky when I got caps kicking in ? -- I'm need a seat belt or something ?-- At least I'm in luck !-- The Nurse is in !-- Bloom !-- If I took too much how will I know ?

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U would want to be using that 90/10 hamburger or with as little fat as possible !-- There will still be enough to carry the magic !-- I think I just saw a streamer ? -- I ain't gonna die --Right ?- The phone is bending and moving I gotta go !
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