Rose Umbra worked that BPU !-- I got B.B. King - (Blueberry Blast -x-BPU ) (?) -- Riot Berry -x-BPU -- GDP -x-BPU -- and gonna be starting some Temple -x-BPU -- Seems like there is another !- So which BPU cross ?
The one you all have and brag about. Keef, oh man that purple haze... have you had any hermi issues? I may have to pop a seed of that soon, i miss her a lot.
What up Kraven ? -- Blueberry be my middle name !-- I have a fine blueberry from Umbra in that B.B. King but I took a F-1 --B.B. King male and crossed it on Bohdi's Tranquil Elephantizer !--(D.D.'s Blue T.E.)- It overflows with blueberry and don't play !-- Gonna be a big hit round here one day !
No hermie issues Rose !-- The purple pheno is prettiest but the green pheno out produces it and I can't give up either ! -- I don't know if I have any more B.B. King seed after my Johnny Appleseed trip but I might know where a mess is growing !-- I send U a cut of mine when U ready --but that B.B. King get out of control real fast !
The one you all have and brag about. Keef, oh man that purple haze... have you had any hermi issues? I may have to pop a seed of that soon, i miss her a lot.
I'm hanging onto 2 boys -- My male Blackberry Snow Lotus needs a name but he back there with Herrman the Wonder Berry -( Plush Berry - x-Williams Wonder ) --(right Umbra?)-The BBSL is staying but I might replace Herrman later !--
Yes Wh, I did, thank you for that. I have had 4 of those maneuvers now and hopefully, we will get the crystals that are causing this. I hate the eply manuever the most, it is hell and doesn't work. The bbq roll is what made me so sick in the office.I was so embarrassed. Then we did some gufonie or some italian sounding thing.... it was much more gentle.
For someone that is stoned all the time, i can't smoke yet. it kinda magnifies the loupy head. Thank you for caring my friend, i appreciate you more than you know.
The 2 Purple Haze phenos Rose ? -- They smoke similar and yes with a little bit of a upbeat buzz !-- Good for an attitude adjustment !-- Purple one is prettier but the green pheno just out produces it !--
Rose, I am glad you are doing better. I sent you some BB King seed long time ago, none of them popped. Same with the Blackrose. Keef, the snowdiesel was a joint project with Bodhi and the House of Funk. Bodhi liked their sour d so much, he did the same cross. I have both, lol. Kraven, there is a blueberry cookies going around some dispensaries out here. I haven't tried it.
Looks like my kinda plant Umbra !-- I'll get a taste in a month or so of the Snow Desiel but I'm already cutting my cuts !-- Rose want B.B. We can fix that !-- Black Rose cross ? -- Which one ? -- I got GDP-X-B.R. and The White -x-Black Rose !-- Was there another one U sent me Cuz ?- I been outta step all day !--Now U done sent me a box of Chocolate ?--Lemon -?--Pine -- and ?? -something else !-- I'm grow them too !-- Don't tell Hippy I'm over 18 but I'm drop something soon ?--maybe ?
Yes there was something else. They didn't pop. Delta wave...C99 x BR. Then there were Killing fields x BPU and headtrip F2. I think those went to other OFC members. Have you heard from Nick?
Keef I have some stuff to send to you. I got at least 30 BB King you sent to me. I will send some back for Rose. Along with some extras others I have. I found 4 more girls in veg today. Started 2 Misty Kush got 2 girls, 1 GDP X BPU it's starting to alternate lobes.
Afternoon Everyone. Good to see you Rose hope you feel better soon.
Dam enablers !-- What up Hippy ? -- Send away !--I did send U my 411 ? -- That return address I use on seed ain't me !--- I have accepted the fact that I can't say no to seed !--
I do got to thin it out some but mostly things like having several Blueberry and 2 phenos of some varieties --- It's just an ongoing process some come some go ?