Take that box down next Friday
morning budlight. i want to put up a good surveillance system. i also want a fence, think i am going with an electric fence like used for goats and such. my pitbull is getting a little too hardcore for just an invisible fence. she scares the crap out of people walking beside my yard. heck, i sometimes wonder if she is going to stop. lol
Morning Bud - Dog !-- Shoot I'm still deciding how to set up a permanent proper grow !-- Everything I do here has to be temporary !-- I have to hide in plain sight !-- Maybe this be the year I get the Stoner Ranch so I can grow my a** off and get to work on the Green Grail !
Bud looks like we might have some seed set of that Strawberry! -- Little early to tell but I bet we get enough to work with !
Got 6 King Louie plants in aero thriving and moved 2 BOC to aero this morning! -Might have 2 more !--So this a pine Umbra ?-- Looking forward to finding out for myself !-- Chocolate weed ? --Who woulda ever thunk it ?