Home of the Old Fart's Club

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WAKE AND BAKE ofc. Morning everyone. Supposed to get 4 to 6 inches snow today. In other words our road sanders wont be able to keep up, after all it is a pickup and two guys with shovels. I hope to get a fullday in at work at any rate. Yall have a great day.

Giggy is not telling lies. that's a sand spreader in the south. seen it myself
Installed my RO system -- turned the water on and it sprayed me in the eyeball -- after try #15 she ain't leaking anywhere !-- RWS is so funny -- when I finally got it fixed -- my pistols was missing !
Reading the crash stories reminded me of someone I worked with a while back. PhD in physics, he lost his first laser company due to issues with the FDA. So he sold it and started another laser company. It too was ear marked for certain death and after going through it all once, he decided he wasn't going through it again. He was flying from Salt Lake to his ranch in Georgia and just let his Lear jet drop in altitude until he hit the side of a mountain.
Yo Umbra -- Speaking of. Light -- I been wanting U to 'splain something to me -- How is it that light passes through the Higgs - Bosen field and slows down -- develops mass and becomes matter !-- where does that mass come from?
That just warmed and o'l vet's heart (South West Asia 1990-1992). I have the most respect for you ...anyone who survived the NAM get's my heartfelt thank-you for your service. It meant a lot to our country and I am thankful you served. :yeahthat:
I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of or affiliated with any United States Governmental Agency. Bless those that are/were.

Made a big batch of lasagna. I feel like a bloated tick!:) Four different kinds of cheese and enough of it to clog every artery you've got. Who says cooking has to be healthy?
Keef, that whole black hole/ time space continuum is hard for me to accept, let alone explain. The boson particle has mass and a spin resonance. As it begins to travel, it attracts other particles. Due to the number of particles accumulating around the boson, the boson particle acquires a mass greater than normal, in physical terms. I hope that helps some.
I had a meltdown tonight. I had just had enough of all the crap in my life. I came home and started pacing and couldn't stop until I yelled at the top of my lungs for 5 minutes straight. I cooked dinner, made coffee...then dumped it all down the sink and threw the dishes in the trash and put 357 through the stainless frying pan. My son freaked out, the dogs went nuts, and I went for a walk. Its taken an hour to calm down. I'm still not right yet...still just paying for my sins in a previous life...
Good morning OFC. Hope the sun shines on Curmudgeonland and all of it`s residents. Now, let`s get the morning started off the OFC way. Cup of coffee in one hand, bowl in the other means it`s "wake and bake" time ya`ll. Join in peeps.
Think you gonna be appointed the head cook (and bottle washer). You keep posting all these delicious recipes, you leave no choice in the matter. Now you are the OFC COOK.
umbra my dog knew what the F bomb meant and she hid when it started flying from my mouth. Dogs are so smart. and always our best friend. I wish I had done better with the first wife, but that's life. She died 5 years ago and I will be forever sad for not being there for her end.

Hippie I was never "part" of the government." I counted it as a big camping ,hunting trip. If I had known before what I know now I would of never gone. Them people just wanted to grow their rice. And the Afghani's just want to grow their poppies. How many of them are we going to kill trying to make them like us.

bake one if you got one
umbra my dog knew what the F bomb meant and she hid when it started flying from my mouth. Dogs are so smart. and always our best friend. I wish I had done better with the first wife, but that's life. She died 5 years ago and I will be forever sad for not being there for her end.

Hippie I was never "part" of the government." I counted it as a big camping ,hunting trip. If I had known before what I know now I would of never gone. Them people just wanted to grow their rice. And the Afghani's just want to grow their poppies. How many of them are we going to kill trying to make them like us.

bake one if you got one

Same here Hippie. I was young, dumb and full of fire. There is not a day that goes by that I don't regret my actions. I was not part of the machine, I just wanted to make it back to the world. Now, there would have to be enemy in my back yard before I lifted a finger, my specialty was not nor has it ever been to close with and destroy the enemy. My heart aches for all the troops, but it goes deeper and farther, everyone in the region is touched by war, and if you have never been to war it's hard to see how it really affects everyone, up and down generations. I'm ready for the the gov't to stop sticking their nose in other peoples business. Bring the troops home from all 186 foreign bases, stop all the fighting and lets concentrate on healing america, feed our homeless, helping our sick, educate our young, fix our roads and infrastructure and the list just goes on, you don't know how much I hate war now! But I did serve my county, just like kennedy asked, it's just our country is not serving us anymore....that's not where the money is at...but that's a whole new rant.....Coffee in hand, lit bowl chasing it to my lips.
Here is a pretty picture of my girl this morning. 46 days from seed.
Got that infamous letter that started thusly : Greetings from the President of the United States. You are hear by ordered to report for induction on 21 Nov. 1967 at 0600 hours at the Federal building. That`s how it started for me. When I got that letter, I did not open it for a couple weeks cause I knew what it said.
Got that infamous letter that started thusly : Greetings from the President of the United States. You are hear by ordered to report for induction on 21 Nov. 1967 at 0600 hours at the Federal building. That`s how it started for me. When I got that letter, I did not open it for a couple weeks cause I knew what it said.


You should have went to Canada......

You should have went to Canada......

Thought about it but........ At that time I knew no one in Canada and not much more about Canada. Figured, how bad could it be ? Example, in basic training, the drill sgt. asked who wanted to fly helicopters ? Me, thought it was better to fly over the country then walk through it. At the time you could not wear glasses (which I did) and fly. OK, next best is a crew chief, so I volunteered. Later I found out about the 75% casualty rate that I just volunteered for.

Your girl is rockin` it.
morning ofc, snowed in at the moment. had a pot of coffee already and fixin to burn one with the ol lady. lucky we didn't lose power so the plants stayed warm. yall have a great day. peace

Snowed in, in da deep south ? Feel for ya, it`s was 26 below when I got up, now it`s 12 below. But we ain`t snowed in. He, he, he.
Good morning boys....THAT IS COLD Yooper.
My husband enlisted in 1969 as that was the year of the numbers.. i think his was 6 or something.. Air Force... mostly stayed in Alaska, he was lucky.. all his buddy's went to nam.

It is in the 40s here but rain is expected. Having some coffee and some cinex cross of cindy 99 and vortex. I like it.. i am a happy girl for the moment..have to go to the personal trainer this morning... She said something horrible to me last week." We are done with general conditioning, now it is time to hit it." I was sucking air before... i am very scared to go...the little 24 year old runs this ole lady ragged.

Have a great day all of you and I am glad you guys came here and enriched our site. Thank you.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Lit up at the beach !-- Umbra -- that rage thing is a beech !-- I have some control now but it's best U never let it out to play !-- U have to practice thinking of nothing -- got to shut internal dialogue down !-- In '73 when I got out of high school they were having those Geneva peace talks--I broke up with my girlfriend and blew the engine in my 57 Chevy and joined the Army !-- I had no sense at that age !-- got real lucky and got sent to Korea instead of the jungle !- Why would they train someone like me to be a military policeman in the first place !-- Once one of my friends got busted with 7 kilos of weed by the Korean Po-Po!-- For $200 I negotiated his release and the return of half the weed !-- loaded him and the weed in my patrol jeep and took him home ! I never wanted for weed after that !-- it really hurt my feelings when they kicked me out of Korea !
Morning OFC. Yeah I saw Texas got hit hard with snow, pretty much everything East of the Rockies. Still trying to shake off getting screwed by my business partners. Both of my sons talked to me about stuff. Stuff I have never talked about before to them. They helped get me back on track and focused. Of course, everytime I go to NorCalHal's, I feel like a total noob. He has his plants so dialed in, ...I am speechless. I am in awe of his skills. I'm seeing weird anomalies in some plants. I should take some pix. The clockwork orange is showing pre flowering with buds forming at the leaf bottom.
NCH is my hero. One of them, i have lots. Umbra I am glad you have your kids to talk to. Adult kids can be so wonderful.
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