Got an empty lot next door Bud ! -- By Monday we'll be back to normal with low 60s at night mid 70's in the afternoon !-- Winter on the beach ain't bad !-- We get lots of Snowbirds for the winter !-- Peeps from the great white north that come south for the winter !-- We call them winter Texans !-- U can tell the locals from the Snowbirds !-- It's in the 50s and the locals are all bundled up and the Winter Texans be out sunbathing !-- Crazy people !-- If I could move farther south I would but Mexico is right over there !
Had to go look Nick !-- That has to be BPU-X-B.B. -crossed on a Bubblicious mom !-- U and Bud growing it !-- Bud's are younger -- Ya'll keep it ? -- Give it a name !-- They full sisters but I bet they both different !-- There is the possibility of lots of different tastes and smells in that one cross !-- Potency ain't gonna be a problem !
Love them boxes !
U bet Bud !-- We all do things differently but They's many paths to the Dank! -- I would take clones and get them rooting --flip these -- By the time these finish-- the cuts will be ready to bloom !-- The plants look good and healthy too !-- I'm still in the make it work phase !-- Make it work then make it look pretty !--
These girls have just about eaten this box I think it might almost be time to move them I really would like them to be about a half a foot taller but I don't think that's going to happen what do you think Keef
Nice Bud.