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So the butter machine will heat the Everclear bring the waxes and stuff too !-- If I freeze the Everclear overnight then refiltered-- couldn't I remove the majority of those comtaminates ? Umbra -- U got a way with words !-- 'splain isomerize for me !-- and if an unnamed weed farmer who lived like a stone throw from the Mexican border was considering extracting bricks would it be too much trouble to turn it into a clean oil ??-
If I'm asking about secret - sacred knowledge that is supposed to be kept on private sites and not shared with the public somebody got to tell me !-- I don't know the rules about such things !
Got a chuckle head on the local Craig's List selling an ounce of wax for $560 like he's safe or something. Question is, how can he make it that cheap? They claim the Colorado boys are getting around a 10% return, which means he's got ten ounces of weed tied up in it, not to mention two bills in butane. Even during the fall harvest, you never see medical stuff go for less than $150.

$150 X 10 = $1500 + $200 for the butane = $1700. Divide that by 28 grams and you've got over $60 a gram. At $560 an ounce, he's selling it for $20 a gram, a third of what it costs to make it. How?
Most of those outrageous items are the law trying to get you to buy and then bust. It happens out here. this is what I have heard but no first hand info. Happy Days you old farts.

Got a chuckle head on the local Craig's List selling an ounce of wax for $560 like he's safe or something. Question is, how can he make it that cheap? They claim the Colorado boys are getting around a 10% return, which means he's got ten ounces of weed tied up in it, not to mention two bills in butane. Even during the fall harvest, you never see medical stuff go for less than $150.

$150 X 10 = $1500 + $200 for the butane = $1700. Divide that by 28 grams and you've got over $60 a gram. At $560 an ounce, he's selling it for $20 a gram, a third of what it costs to make it. How?
If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is !-- what does it say -- meet somebody you've never met in a dark alley and bring lots of cash money ?
Got a chuckle head on the local Craig's List selling an ounce of wax for $560 like he's safe or something. Question is, how can he make it that cheap? They claim the Colorado boys are getting around a 10% return, which means he's got ten ounces of weed tied up in it, not to mention two bills in butane. Even during the fall harvest, you never see medical stuff go for less than $150.

$150 X 10 = $1500 + $200 for the butane = $1700. Divide that by 28 grams and you've got over $60 a gram. At $560 an ounce, he's selling it for $20 a gram, a third of what it costs to make it. How?
LOL they use trim and not bud...they are growers and not buying the trim...they use a recovery type system so butane usage is about $40
Electrical is FIXED! I replaced all but 1 outlet. Call in an electrician. He spent about 2 hrs. He punched by bedroom wall and power came on like the Fonze would do. It was the 1 outlet I didn't replace.
Or a bunch of thugs fishing for the greedy and are gonna just take your money !- What U gonna do go to the Po- Po and say a drug dealer ripped me off ? That Bhogart hash oil machine says it reclaims 95% !-- My question is can I extract brickweed and make it clean enough to male an e-cig for the masses ?-- I got the Widow T.E. and probably P.C. for premium - The peeps goons need some e-cig liquid !-- My Cuz, who I hope joins us soon -- was saying that the Colorado people would move in and take over if Texas ever rolled over cause they Big Weed !- I told him Colorado got lime one city , Denver -- do U know how big Texas is ?
By the way if anyone is interested !-- I got some beach front property for sale In north Texas and for a modest deposit I'll hold a lot especially for U ! Hurry before they all gone !
Hippie were supposed to play the satisfied custumer or sales rep this time ?-- Same split ? Umbra talk to me about cleaning RSO well enough for e-cig juice -- the freeze then filter helps some - what about centrafuge or solvent pairs? Got to be a way !--
Curmudgeonlanders, members of the OFC.......Good morning one and all. Giggy started it, coffee and a bowl, (gonna catch up) means it`s "wake and bake" time. Later. Peace.
I just read about e-juice. he made it just like I dreamed it. you take dry ice hash, mix enough everclear to it. filter out solids. then add glycerin . then sweat out the everclear. easy . I will be make some as soon as I get home.
keef if you do the quick wash with everclear you do not get the rso ,you get the honey oil.
Mayday mayday comes a voice over the control tower radio. The pilot has had a heart attack then nothing. Then one of the tower personnels phone begins to ring. Over the phone comes mayday mayday I'm flying at 18000 feet at 180 knots and upside down. Then the voice says the pilot told me he had the tower on speed dial. So they put it on speaker phone and start telling him to calm down and we will talk you down. First they ask how do you know your flying at 18000 feet? He answers because the dial on the dash says I am. Ok then how do you know your flying at 180 knots. He comes back because the dail on the dash say so. Ok then how do you know your upside down? He comes back and says because the crap that was in my pants is now coming out my shirt collar.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Bozzo -- The problem U gonna have making e-cig juice is that the V.G. or P.G. will keep seperating from the hash oil ! It cod frustrate U to the point U shoot something -- not saying I shot something ! Go over to skunkpharm.com --it's a group of researchers who post the 411 !-- U have to homogenize the e-cig liquid so it never seperates again ! I'm still working on that but I know it involves a dremel !- U know me -- I asking how to make something acceptable with brickweed ! Getting rid of the mites cost me two weeks but getting right back on track ! Got rosemary growing as a companion plant to keep them away !
When making bho it would be much cheaper to use your trim than buying brickweed, probably have tons more THC as well. Morning OFC. Coffee is brewing, so glad not to be on East Coast today. wake n bake. Tangi's are starting to turn purple.
schools were delayed 2 hours here so the whole morning/day is off to a VERY awkward start

pipe and coffee are nice and familiar
should help put things back in proper order
Hey Keef, I was at another site and someone posted pix of their Platinum Cookies...thought you might like a preview of what to expect
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