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Someone asked about the pH of my source water -- my filtered tap water has a pH of 8.5 with 230 ppms - which explains my interest in R.O. -- Hey guys I was thinking about that site Umbra mentioned- If U haven't noticed threre is no advertisers on M.P. !--- I don't do well with rules and laws but M.P. has provided a free site for us -- I wonder if M.P. could sent up one of those private sites like Umbra mentioned ?-- I would have no problem with a modest membership fee -- I'd like to help M.P. pay the bills without having ads showing up on the site or M.P.shutting down our site !-- Any thoughts ?
That is exactly what my tap water reads Keef.
There's a 9 yr.old girl with that seizure disease set to testify before Texas congress asking them to please change the law so she want have to move to Colorado !-- If Texas rolls over there's no one within a hundred miles with a better chance of stocking the shelves of a weed store than me !-- I know some fine weed Pharmers !-- Skid up to the line and stop Keef !
umbra ,why not hook a dedicated plug for lights. one new circuit breaker and some wire and plug box. easy to install.
I run everything thru a power strip with built in circuit breaker -- works for me ! How much power ya'll be sucking out a socket they U need a seperate circuit anyway ! Back in March when I was running 4 boxes and a cloner, I compared my power bill to the previous March before I set up the grow room .-- don't know what I was doing back then but my bill was less than the one with the grow on it !
Got two breakers for the flower room; one for the two 600 watt HPS lights/fan, and one for the air conditioner/dehumidifier/fans. Have two separate breakers for the veg room, too. Run your breakers with the load at 80% of rating and you'll stay away from the fire department.
Note: Firemen (active or retired) are a hoot to party with, but standing in your yard watching the house burn isn't the way to do it.:)
running 2 1K lights, 3 fans, 6ft T5, and heat mat. But I lost outlets in 3 rooms, without tripping the breaker. I had it on 2 separate 20A circuits, now only 1 seems to be working. I guess I could have a bad breaker. I tried running everything on 1 circuit and it is too much. Called an electrician. We'll see...maybe a broken wire in a series circuit.
running 2 1K lights, 3 fans, 6ft T5, and heat mat. But I lost outlets in 3 rooms, without tripping the breaker. I had it on 2 separate 20A circuits, now only 1 seems to be working. I guess I could have a bad breaker. I tried running everything on 1 circuit and it is too much. Called an electrician. We'll see...maybe a broken wire in a series circuit.

Have you turned all breakers off and back on? Sometimes the tripped breaker position look like they are still on.

If it's a tripped gfci plug it will be in the garage, kitchen, bathroom, or porch usually.

Neutral could have come loose at the terminal in the panel also, that's another cause to check.
Morning O.F.C. !- Wake and Bake !- Are we there yet ?-- any comments on that Majic Butter Machine before I get one !-- They gonna openly discuss MMJ in the Texas congress !-- That be my signal to stand on it son ! More lights more boxes - T.E. and P.C. be coming into the line up soon ! Time to quit playing and start cranking out lots of the best weed I can grow ! Start getting serious about extracts !--
Old Farts Club, good morning to one and all. Got my computer fixed, had to call for help from the computer nerds. Let`s see how long it takes me to screw it up again. Made a decision. Seeing how I can`t buy more lights right now, gonna build a wall to make the flower room more conducive to the light pattern. Sounds good anyway, give me something to do. Later. Peace.
Morning everyone. Rained overnight. Still limping by with the electricity. I see the East Coast is getting a little snow. I am so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore. Time for wake n bake and coffee
Morning all....wake and bake in progress as the coffee brews. Did my res change already so just enjoying the morning with my wife and a bowl.
good morning . great weather .good coffee ,great people .....It does not get any better.
might have to have one of those butter machines.
I see the site is soliciting donations...this is not a good sign. I see lots of advertisers spamming every post, every second of the day. This is not good. I do not see this site lasting very long at this rate. Not trying to be a hater, its just I seen this happen before and it never ends well.
I was surprised too, i guess if we don't want advertising we will support our site with donations. It better end well. I belong to a private site that everyone kicks in 20 bucks a year, i think. Has worked for them for years.
Umbra - did U get up on the wrong side of the bed ?--turn lemons into lemonade -- start yourself a seed company and be one of them advertisers !-- everything ends sooner or later ! Rosebud - Lovbnstoned and there was someone else talking about the butter machine - that's good enough for me !-- gotta combine 2 broke LEDs into one -- after tearing one apart to see how it works - I got this! Be another month or so before I start doubling down with more lights and boxes but I be building my own lights !-- it's like a shop light -- prefab light panel = light tube -- power converter = ballast - add a prefab fan and all U need is a frame to hold those parts !
I be wanting onto one of them private sites !-- But- When I stumbled into M.P. I had been banned by a couple sites yet M.P. welcomed me with open arms -- I'm going down with the ship !-- and I'll do what I can to help keep it afloat !
Yeah Keef maybe I did get up on wrong side of the bed, lol. Obviously, I joined this site sometime ago and still enjoy coming here. Electrical problem and other issues seem to be my focus right now. Outlets suddenly all worked. So I pushed my luck and plugged in 1 of the lights. Outlets went again, no breaker tripped. Still too early to try to call electrician again.
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