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Morning O.F.C.--Weather got me down in the face !-- I need some caps !
Keef the Kripple Peacock reporting for duty !
Bragga what Umbra ? -- All I know is it cost me some brain cells and there is no price for the frustration I went thru !-- People laughed at me - Behind my back !-- It's O.K. -- Who woulda ever thunk it ?-- Now I can work !-- D.D. grow this one and I go get another !--
It was a word that Trump made up last night at the debate.
I'm not so sure how long I'll hang, ate 2 more brownies...they tasted really good and now somebody is sleepy and very relaxed ;)
I see Umbra !-- I just couldn't watch it !--Oops like GDP-x- B.R. gonna defeat me for the third time !-- I refuse to accept defeat yet cause I got more seed !-- I will either run out of seed or I will have my girl !-- Got 3 each Purple Haze and Hoe Berry in aero cups and some more about ready !-- I got enough of both to be confident I'll have a girl !--I got a Bubba's Momma I'm sexing !--I see hair -I just want to wait a few days to make sure she ain't a hermie before I start cutting on her !-- Nurse Larry is a hardy plant that is hard to kill !-- She gonna do me right !-- I was also cutting on Da Masta yesterday !-- Master Kush in da house !-- Took 10 cuts from my old Widow !-- She back !--- The GG #4 freak will go to bloom soon to see what she do !
Got 2 more cycles of treated plants rooting too !--
right out of the oven with a big glass of milk and I'm in big trouble.
OF, can you put a tarp over your plant? that is what we are doing if it rains..
I was not shopping for seed !-- I just happen to be there !-- Black Cherry seed be calling to me !-- Some purples and blacks want to visit Texas too !-- Dam !- I don't need anymore varieties !-- I keep going to look at that Black Cherry !--- I have a disease I tell U !-- I'll fight it but I'm resigned to the fact that Black Cherry or Black Chery Soda coming to Texas !-- Maybe not today or tomorrow but I want that Color !-- and Cherry too !-- I'm a sick man !--- Maybe I should just order they a**es !--both of them !-- I can take the heat !-- I been in trouble most of my life !--
Hey if I say I was so high I don't remember placing the order --ya'll got my back ?
Working up the courage with a pipe of keif !-- I might better look around a little more because I might not be able to get away with this but once !--- Another toke or 2 who knows ? -- I'm brain damaged !-- I need to be supervised !-- U leave me with my bank card unsupervised ? -- I am not responsible for your lack of over sight !-- ( I 'm practicing ) !
Good Afternoon OFC. Time for more coffee and a bowl. Waiting for tj to get back from visiting his Dad in FL. His Dad is progressing slowly but doing well. Everyone have a good evening. :farm:
OF, can you put a tarp over your plant? that is what we are doing if it rains..

I could on days I am home but I work out of state and I am only home about half the week. I don't want to draw attention to the bush either. The plant is mostly cloudy now anyway. I'd like for the buds to fatten up but it seems to me she needs sunlight to power that growth. This outdoor grow thing is stressing me out. Prolly stick to indoors until times are better for us cannabis farmers...

Glad you are feeling better, Rose.
OF --I been ripped and they almost caught me in Virginia --- I'm an inside pharmer now !-- Outside U get one shot each year !-- Something goes wrong you're screwed !-- When I'm back up running wide open -- I can harvest every 2 weeks !-- Even the one box I got in bloom gives me a couple little plants every couple weeks !-- A rotation sounds like the way to go --but it be a little harder than it sounds !--but it can be done !
The best of the cuts I took yesterday will not be ready for bloom for 6 weeks or so !-- So right now I have to plan think about what I want to bloom in 2 months -- about 2 months after that I can harvest it !-- Give me a headache just thinking about it !
Kraven -- If Florida passes a liberal mmj law in November! -- Ya'll got room in the state for me and D.D. ?
My biggest reason for not moving to a legal state is they all up north and I don't do cold !--- The thought of having to haul live clones from here to there scares me !-- I'm keeping an open mind !-- Ya'll got some swamps up in the panhandle ? -- Houseboat up in the swamp with a grow barge ? -- I could rock that long as I had A/C ! --
Yes Keef. The one shot thing is bad with all that can go wrong. This plant was a left over clone from my last indoor grow. I can't consume enough to keep up with my indoor grows which really are quite small as I grow using t5's for veg and bloom in a single 4x4x2 ft tent. I still have flowers from a 2013 grow sealed in mason jars with boveda packs. I grow for the enjoyment but this outdoor thing is just a bit more stressful than it is worth. If I do 't get ripped off or pinched or have bud rot I will be set for a long time. I share/give away a lot of my produce too.
Florida.....the concrete jungle it has become...the alligators have a lane just like the cyclist. We will see if they pass legislation that is meaningful and that actually helps, lot of people from all over throwing money at the wrong side.....dunno why but seems prohibitions suits a few rich cats. We will see.....
OF we just recently got to weed Independence! -- D.D. and I both need caps a couple times a day to stay semi level !-- Growing started as a way to provide our own !-- Then I got addicted to growing !-- She did too !-- Then everything changed the other day for me !-- I have a new skill and I want to put it to work !-- I need more room and the threat of jail out from over my head !--
From what I read in many Florida counties if U get caught with an ounce or less they can give U a ticket !-- U get caught with an ounce or less in Texas U still go to jail with an optional a** whooping !-- After U handcuffed of course !--
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