I fixed my Ac. Cost me 65.00 for a new Contactor. Freaking Lizard shorted the old one out. Fried Lizard,,yuk.
Yes that will work. A little vacuum will speed it up 10,000x faster.Keef's gravity feed freezer extract filter !-- That's inside my frozen ice cream machine thing !-- A small bowl underneath a cup off Pepsi bottle with a 20 cc syringe with a cotton ball filter !-- I pour the frozen alky-hol into the top of the syringe from another small frozen bowl and shut the door !- Take me about 10 seconds with the door open then closed to allow the Everclear to drain thru the filter to bottom bowl !
Kraven what U think will it keep it cold enough ? -- Umbra ? -- Anyone else ?
I have a few as well. Never talk about some things.D.D. no longer an unemployed beach fairy !-- She back among the employed !-- Sitting there smoking on a pipe like a drug screen didn't even matter !- I guess it don't !-- She good !--
Umbra and da horror stories !-- 20 years in the Operating Room !-- U know I got'm but there's no reason for me to share them with U guys !--
I know Umbra I do it too sometimes !-- I said stuff recently that shouldn't be talked about and it wasn't even a horror story ! -- It just that if I see someone abusing a defenseless animal ? -- I show them what's like !-- I go to jail for that with my head held high !-- Usually it's best if there is only one side to a story !
Just a little carpentry work on the bone Rose !---Some sawing, grinding ,drilling and stuff !-- bolt it in and done !-- One knee replacement is enough for most people !-- Hip replacements are easy !--A break across the greater trochanter and we could pop that sucker out-- drive a new hip ball prosthesis into the femur! !-- --One hour skin to skin !-- That means from time of incision to last stitch !-- Knee is a little more complicated !- One doc used to bring 2 Black and Decker battery powered drills for us to sterilize for his surgery !-- He'd made a good carpenter !-- On the flip side I worked with a vascular surgeon who wouldn't even have made a good plumber !--
Kraven, i am so glad you helped that kitten. Your a good dad.