Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Oh man Cane, i would be dead on the trail! Good for you for being able to type!~
That hard core stuff Rose !-- I would be dead for sure !- I'm too old for that sheet !-- I guess ya'll don't got mosquitos like we do !-- They like some deet !-- Big a** mosquitos !-- and snakes -- and all sorts of biting and stinging creatures !-- The temp be so hot in the day with the humidity up close to a hundred and no wind !-- That ain't fun to me !
Wow 45 miles!!!!! With a pack....
Did those 20 mile hikes when Uncle sam owned me but no more, good for you.
I went hiking yesterday. Well kinda. Me and the boss lady went for some dirt road rides. Ended up breaking down and riding shanks mare (walking) back home. 4.5 miles, got my truck and picked up the car. Distributor went out again. It's the third one in 30,000 miles. Need to figure out what's going on.
Good Morning everyone. Rose, I was inspired as well after the Bodhi interview. I guess in some ways I see myself more as a co creator of plants than a breeders as well. It has taken a bit of introspection for me to find what has thrown off my game and it is definitely about the vibe in moving and getting settled here in Cali. But it is also about...my son. While he is trying to find his way in life, and discovering what it means to be a man. He is discovering his first relationship and a taste of freedom that he has never known before. I came here to grow cannabis. To grow at a level I couldn't on the East Coast. My son came because he wasn't in a position to live on his own and I think the sound of moving to Cali to grow cannabis was appealing. But once my son started to see what it takes to grow commercially, I think the appeal lost its luster. I believed that this journey would be a joint venture. I see now it is my journey alone. My son has another path. It's not meant to be a bad thing, just growth and life. I gave him a month to find somewhere else to live. I hope he finds some place that can handle big dogs, lol.
Had to happen Umbra ! -- Like U said He's got his journey and U got yours !-- I just want a grow that D.D. and I can handle on our own !-- Starting with that spare room !-- I'm prepared to shift our focus at any time but I need one of those CO2 hash oil extractors !-- There's just so much U can do with that oil !-- I don't like playing fair so I'm using this genetic doubling to look for a trick pony !-- Something that is unique and U know what it is when U smell it or fire some up !--- Don't know or care what that trick is !-- I rounded up all these varieties because one of them might give me that trick pony --Don't care which one it is !-- but there will not be a live piece leaving my house locally !-- Prohibition ends -- I don't expect to be allowed to participate legally !-- Not a problem !-- Take the threat of jail away and give me a ticket if U catch me !--I could live with that !-- I can get slippery and hard to catch !-- I'd be happy to work in this thing ya'll call the "Grey Area" !-- Never known legal weed anyway !
Umbra -- I got some candidates for the title B.B. King !-- Most died but a few will live !-- If I don't get it this round we'll have a rematch till I do !-- I'm in the zone !-- No Idea what I'll get --Just fishing !
Umbra, the best thing we can do is look inside, but why does it take us so long to do it?? It's the last thing I ever think of. The right decision, and the easy decision are rarely the same.
Smells like decarbed weed up in here !-- U know I don't think many down here would even know what that smell was !
What up keef. Frying peppered bacon, and baking biscuits. Got a late breakfast going on over here. And sweet tea in the sun steeping.
Hey Burnin 1 --When they gonna change the law and let me work down here ?--They cramping my style !--Have to hide and stuff !-- I'm tired of it all !
Umbra, that is a hard time of life, separating from your adult kids. It was very hard for me when our daughter moved to NY. She came home 3 years later changed. She was always an awesome lady but she grew up. It was the best thing she did for herself but it was hard. He is so lucky to have you. Does he have a job? I hope so.

Another stage of life. they are better and better, just different. Love ya Umbra.
Umbra, that is a hard time of life, separating from your adult kids. It was very hard for me when our daughter moved to NY. She came home 3 years later changed. She was always an awesome lady but she grew up. It was the best thing she did for herself but it was hard. He is so lucky to have you. Does he have a job? I hope so.

Another stage of life. they are better and better, just different. Love ya Umbra.

Rose, as always...Thank You. He does have a job. And he is trying to find something else that pays more. His gf and I are not the best of friends, and they need to do their thing together. They had planned to move into together with other friends and it all fell thru. Somehow they found a little time to try things out before any financial commitments. They are more into each other now than when they met. I would cut my ties and run...very fast, and very far.
Good read Umbra -- I'm on the anti-cancer pill (cannacaps) -- So I'm not gonna get cancer !-- Cancer cells can't grow in the presence of THC/CBD !-- My body be pretty much saturated I do believe !--Let me take another toke and top off !-- That's good weed !-- I ain't getting no cancer !--Nope not a problem !-- U know the secret is in eating it !--Sure smoking it is nice and helps lots of stuff but U got to eat it to get the best health benefits !--
Is there a preferred strain for making RSO when the goal is to control lemphatic cancer?
Good Morning everyone. Rose, I was inspired as well after the Bodhi interview. I guess in some ways I see myself more as a co creator of plants than a breeders as well. It has taken a bit of introspection for me to find what has thrown off my game and it is definitely about the vibe in moving and getting settled here in Cali. But it is also about...my son. While he is trying to find his way in life, and discovering what it means to be a man. He is discovering his first relationship and a taste of freedom that he has never known before. I came here to grow cannabis. To grow at a level I couldn't on the East Coast. My son came because he wasn't in a position to live on his own and I think the sound of moving to Cali to grow cannabis was appealing. But once my son started to see what it takes to grow commercially, I think the appeal lost its luster. I believed that this journey would be a joint venture. I see now it is my journey alone. My son has another path. It's not meant to be a bad thing, just growth and life. I gave him a month to find somewhere else to live. I hope he finds some place that can handle big dogs, lol.

All my best Bro...
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