Alright Keef, you have baited me enough...poor mans still is a 10 qt stainless steel soup pot, food grade silicon to seal the metal lid to the metal rim, clamps to hold it good and tight, takes 8 gurney clamps. Drill 1/4 in hole in lid, get the 10 ft 1/4 in soft copper tubing, build the worm in a 5 gal bucket, drill hole in bottom to run the **** out, seal it with the same silicon, make a j bend in the upper copper so you can stick the top of the worm into the 1/4 inch hole in the lid of the 10 qt soup stock pan. If you don't know how to make shiners glue lemme know....its basically a little water and flower to make a paste and you use that to seal around the 1/4 hole and the copper worm, it gets hard and seals tight, then breaks easily off when that run is done....pot HAS to be stainless and the worm HAS to be copper.....happy stillin'.....this can be done inside on the stove.... with the worm just high enough off the floor to get a jar under there, vapors are heavy so we want to create a good draw on the worm or you'll loose ETOH , I would put the worm an a very short stool or box......but be careful you do make very explosive gasses while your shinin'.....NO open flames or sparks or you and the grow and DD will get a quick trip to the moon. here is one where they fitted the top with a threaded joint....not worth the work just build it like i said and it will need a much bigger worm than the one pictured, this was the quickest example of the build i was giving you. Peace