I just wanted to say again how impressed I was with Cannazon's stealth shipping ! I knew they had to be there but couldn't find them at first !
That's how I send in my freebies.
I just wanted to say again how impressed I was with Cannazon's stealth shipping ! I knew they had to be there but couldn't find them at first !
I got one of them stoner questions -- they say they can track where U are from your cell phone -- somebody 'splain how a whole plane full of people can vanish again ! Really !
I got one of them stoner questions -- they say they can track where U are from your cell phone -- somebody 'splain how a whole plane full of people can vanish again ! Really !
Hey ! I got Tranquil Elephantizer sprouts !--- I got the seed Friday and soaked them overnight Hippie style -- I took 2 inch peat cups and filled them with good soil and slid them into aero cups-- the peat cups are sprayed from the bottom and stay moist !-- Like Yoop always says " water from the bottom "--a piece of coffee filter in the peat cups keep most dirt from getting into the box. I think Keef done found a way to start seed in aero !-- Got 2 " Curls" looping out the ground already !
Lyfespan I know all them people on that plane didn't have they stuff shut off !-- What's them things U put on a car so if it gets stolen they can track it ? Seems like U could put one of them on a plane !