I've been taking a starburst and flattening it out, put some cdb rso on it and fold over. Tastes like the inside of a toostie pop
I cut a sliver of a gummy bear and make a skinny sandwich and just swallow with water.
Is she on bp meds WH? She is really going to have to watch that.
I was 10 when I found out my father was alive. That was when I realized everybody else had 2 parents. That was when they finally got divorced. It wound up in court. My mother trying to explain why my father needed to pay child support to the judge, and of course the whole epilepsy thing came up as well. I remember my father saying he would rather go to jail than pay child support, so the judge gave him 6 months. He still didn't pay child support. I saw him 1 other time before he died. He was pretty far gone at that point. He couldn't eat solid food only drink whiskey and he couldn't walk 5 ft without being out of breath, but still smoked 5 packs of non filtered Camels every day.Nes, feel better soon. I am sorry you are sick. sick sucks. Please eat well and drink lemon and cayenne pepper in warm water. It helps lots of stuff. 1/2 lemon, shake of cayenne and a cup of water..
Umbra, I have been thinking about what you said, when did you find out your dad was alive? that is so interesting. how old were you when you found out some kids had 2 parents?
WH, tell her thank you, my mom prayed for me everyday of my life and since she has been gone I have been worried. ;~) My mom was a big fan of God but was liberal and open minded and never judged anyone.
Better have some potato chips or something salty for your mom in case that happens again. I worry.
Kraven, I too am a little stoned. we go to dinner at 5 so i have time.
Good times to U Cane ! -- Nes got her seed yesterday yours should there today !
Evets ---Nice pics --plants look healthy !-- Might need to put them in a bigger pot soon !--- Having to grow in a small space is something most of us have to do !-- It ain't exactly legal in da dirty south !-- As for cloning we got several ways but I don't think God himself could clone an auto ! --- Kraven - Yard Dog and I use an aerocloner !--- Giggy got a little bubble cloner working and I think Bozzo and Rose clone in dirt !
After I bought my first aerocloner I started building my own !---Now I run them in aero from cutting to harvest !--My Veg area is on top some boards across a bathtub! --- My bloom is a walk in closet !--
Forgot --- Happy Easter Egg Day all !
Nature versus Nurture ? --- Are we what we are because of genetics or --Are we formed by our experience in life ? -- It applies to us and plants !-- If U took the finest of seed and plants in marginal conditions where plants struggle just to survive --- U ain't gonna get the finest of weed !--
i'm so good at hiding eggs i can hide my own. lolHiding eggs this morning. Yehaaaaaaaaa