g'morning all, day three of severe thunderstorms....love good stormy days but about had my fill for this run, be glad to see the sun next week, today I will be spring baking and watching it rain. Got some CaliO for this am's wake and bake.
Evets --- Most trifoliate plants are male !-- Maybe U get lucky and it's a girl !--
I am doing a happy dance. No one will ever have to know I almost ran out of their medicine. I owe Ston-loc.. big time. He got me a HARLEQUIN CLONE and a Charlottes web... I am so thankful... People that grow pot are just nice people, that is all!
Most of Bodhi's new stuff and the best restocks are at greatlakesgenetics. Try there firstRose it just seems logical that if U value a cut it would be best to know peeps who also got it !--- I was looking at Bohdi seed and they about sold out of everything !--- If I lose my Tranquil Elephantizer --There is no more seed !-- Soon as I get her cranking out clones again some's leaving Texas !-- My tetras ? ---If I want to save them --I have to give away cuts in the hope that if I lose it someone would hook me up with a clone !--- That's just the way it is !--- So.eone who doesn't want anyone to have a cut but them has a problem like U had with broadmites just cut thier own throat !--They lose it ? --Then it is gone !