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Thanks Joe !---Ain't nothing like a little bud porn at the Wake and Bake !

These sprouts I treated trying to induce polyploidy are showing the signs ---Thick meristem --slow growth !
Make my own U.B.C. Chemo !
Good Morning OFC. Joe, great porn. Keef, I gave some 10 year old blackrose seeds to SickMed seeds and RedDog said he used tissue culture to germinate them. I have no idea how. He told me that he found a male he has been searching 15 years for. He said he would send me some seeds that he made from it. He is no longer responding to me, lol so he probably won't be telling me how he did it.
Kraven, you know what you're doing so no sense in any advice. My tonsils are 3x bigger than anyone else's. I remember the debates about pulling them out. They're still 3x bigger than normal.
Rose, like Kraven said, seeds are not an issue. The Harlequin I have is bred to Bodhi's snowlotus. Do you remember a cartoon, Felix the cat? He had a magic bag of tricks. Well I have a few things in the magic bag of seeds.
Ok, well I will take a Harley cut if anyone has one please. the nice man that sent me the broad mites didn't know, of course, he offered to send me some poison, but i can't use that on medicine. So, I sprayed one clone with tea tree oil, diluted, i think i killed it. I am using ice water dips on the Nurse Larry rb cut and a harleqin cut. Today i will use 115 degrees water to kill um.. Umbra the clones i took of LA look stellar, until you use a loupe and then you see they are infested as well with eggs. I will take some cuttings of LA and throw the big plants away:eek::hitchair::hairpull::watchplant::rant::cry::cry:
Joe, that is a beautiful picture of a beautiful plant... Sorry i didn't comment earlier. It is just lovely.
I'm sorry Rose !--I feel your pain !

Umbra U bred Harlequin to Snow Lotus ?--- She a legendary mother !--- Good call !--- I'm thinking my T.E. inherited that trait !--- I crossed your BPU-X-B.B on the T.E. --- Nice looking babies !---Can't wait to see it in bloom !---- When I have a fine tetraploid boy -- He got a date with the T.E. --- Triploid seed by fall ! --Gonna bust 30% THC !---
Joe, that is a beautiful picture of a beautiful plant... Sorry i didn't comment earlier. It is just lovely.
Thank you.

Sorry I can't help your situation.

Bugs... SUCK

Deadly Organic Mojo :heart:

Deadly organic mojo...that is funny. i love it. I think that should be my new signature. If i really can kill whats left... that really is a lovely shot up there. Kinda makes me drool. not a good look, drooling.
Sorry Rose. Wish there was something i could do. That sucks.
in case anyone has had problems with aero cloning...excerpt from another site:

We have about 8 48 site "aero" cloners that we built at our warehouse about 4-5 years ago and learned the hard way a lot of the little nuances of this style of cloning.

I've found that even with hand cleaning, opening each little neoprene collar, etc. there came a point where we absolutely had to replace the collars or be faced with them spreading pathogens to the next round of clones. They also began to break down over time, leaving a fine black powder in the Rez . Don't get me wrong, I had months of succes before any issues occurred. But they always did.

I've noticed the really prolific roots that develop have a tendency to grow INTO the neoprene sometimes and cleaning those roots out from within the collar is almost impossible.

I used to replace the collars on our cloners semi-regularly to ensure long term continuing success, but ever since I've switched to perma collars that is a non issue.

Heat sterilizing is so much faster and less labor intensive for me. Not to mention fail proof.
Hey Umbra, if you were killing broad mites on cutting, would you use hot 112 f water or ice water?
Could you not dunk them in a solution of water and alcohol to kill the mites and then rinse them in fresh water?
I did that last night and it worked well but i will have to keep doing it .. i wondered if the heat is better. It is the hundreds of eggs that are the problem.
New cut !-- New neopreme collar !--- Use once and discard !-- Learned the hard way !-- Been changing to a new style of baskets so I throw basket and collar away as we replace them !--- A cut stays in the same collar until harvest or a problem occurs !--- I learned with my first aerocloner that if U run it constantly it will heat up the water !---At or above 80 degrees I get White Slime !---Making my own I was able to pick a pump with a filter which eliminated plugged microsprayers --My aero boxes hold a minimum of 8 gals of nute water !---15 minutes on --15 minutes off !--- Water temp stays in mid 70's !--- I use a 50 cc catheter tip syringe with a piece of tubing to pull up a sample from each box daily to test PH ! --- I clone in the same nute water I grow in !--- Same light too ! ---About to shut bloom down give it a good cleaning then move Everything rooted from my nursery into the new veg. !--- A rotation lime I been doing is nice but there is no down tome between cycle to do a good cleaning or make changes !--- Gonna do like Umbra -- Run the whole room thru a whole cycle !-- Still got some sexing to do before then but that's the plan !--
Hey i just noticed we have severa newl ppl registering . Cool
Some .ay have thought I was joking about a box for a plant with a hose to the cars exhaust pipe !--I used to believe that if it would bleed -- I could kill it !--I adapting that theory to if it breathes I can kill it !---Bugs got to breathe !
Rose dunk the cuts in water with a little Castille soap in it !--Let them dry out of light --bugs breathe thru they skin !--- A film such as soap produces seals off they breathing holes! ---Die U bastids Die !-
Hey Umbra, if you were killing broad mites on cutting, would you use hot 112 f water or ice water?
I would use ice water. And my thinking behind it would be like making hash with dry ice, you freeze them and shake them off. Hot water, I do not know if it would make them fall off or hatch.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Looks Ike I made it thru the power outage without loosing anything !--

Nes U got at least 100 top notch seed coming plant the whole county !

Rose sooner or later I'll have to deal with those mites!--- I need to know how to kill them !

Take care Kraven !--

Thank You Keef bunches. Let see were would I start spreading those seeds. I do not know anybody that grows. OH ya there is Babbing Bob but he's out West some wear. He is a good friend.

Good Evening OFC.
You're Welcome Nes !---Hippie sent them to me --They are marked " Hippie's Dawg "--- They are Chem 91 -x- The Sugar -x- Chernobyl !---Very fertile ! --
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