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Kraven --Now that's funny right there !---
So I just throw a lot of varieties into the grow !--See what likes what !----Rose plants 4 to get a female ? ---I plant 6 !-- I have not idea what's gonna like aero and play nice with the other plants !--- I don't care what anyone's says plants can adjust !-- If I can keep them alive each cuts seems to do better !--- I think this Papaya I'm sexing is a girl !----I've got my Bubblicious and still have a couple more to sex !--- If I get another female I keep what grows best for me !--- I'm having more trouble with indica than Hybrids !--
How can you grow 15?
Rose, my regular doctor wouldn't write me an authorization since they changed the law. ...so I called the number I think you gave me??for the THC foundation? and got one from them. ..there is an optional section at the bottom that the doc filled out and he put 15 plants. .but it says that you have to register with the medical marijauna authorization database. ....:confused2:....it reads that this provision applies only after July 1,2016 and requires the patient and designated provider to be entered into the medical marijauna authorization database and hold a recognition card. ...again :confused2:
As of now there is no database. . . .
I need a puff :48:
What up Cane ?-- I won't tell U about the foul stuff coming out my nose but I ain't feeling that perky !---Your seed along with some for Nes and my friend the Gloman !---Got U a few Strawberry seed too !--The computer wouldn't print my labels so I missed the mailman !---I think I'm getting better I waited for D.D. and she fixed it !-----A few years ago I would have kilt the computer for that !---I didn't hit it with nothing or anything !---I just walked away !--- I was very angry because those seed were supposed to go out today !-- They leave her Monday if I have to walk them to the mainland ! --I sorry I put it off so long !

Hey Nes ---U gonna have more seed than U need !-- Go for a walk or ride and Johnny Apple seed the whole county !
looks like it might get a little windy tonight, maybe a quick shower....finally killed all the mater worms...have not seen any in 2 days, I just picked them off and threw them out in the yard, figured them and the birds can work it out.
Yep..nice dinner. .short ribs bake tater and a green salad. .now for some ..blueberry crisp and vanilla ice cream. ..
Must be something in the air high wind advisory here also for tomorrow with gust to 60....hold on. ...
Got the seed shell off those sprouts! --Dozens !----Tommorrow they they meet the Zombie Juice !--Have U ever tried to get the shell of sprouts without damage ?--Try it !-----I earned my Franken Plant !--- Now we rolled bones !---
In the morning. ..don't forget to change the clocks. ..
Good Morning OFC. Time to Wake and Bake. Woo Woops forgot to make my coffee. Got to fix this.
What up Cane ?-- I won't tell U about the foul stuff coming out my nose but I ain't feeling that perky !---Your seed along with some for Nes and my friend the Gloman !---Got U a few Strawberry seed too !--The computer wouldn't print my labels so I missed the mailman !---I think I'm getting better I waited for D.D. and she fixed it !-----A few years ago I would have kilt the computer for that !---I didn't hit it with nothing or anything !---I just walked away !--- I was very angry because those seed were supposed to go out today !-- They leave her Monday if I have to walk them to the mainland ! --I sorry I put it off so long !

Hey Nes ---U gonna have more seed than U need !-- Go for a walk or ride and Johnny Apple seed the whole county !

Thank You Green Santa.
Morning O.F.C. !--- Nes U getting wet over there !--
Cane -- This Zombie Juice is a mutagenic, It interfers with cell division !--- That shell is blocking is in the way keeping the juice from getting being obsorbed !-This formula and directions say nothing about doing taking the shell off but I did it their way and did not get complete conversion to tetraploid !-- I'm thinking I do have a couple tetras but I need more !
Nes....when you get kicked off do you still have an Internet connection? Are you on WiFi? ?
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