Good morning ofc. having my first cold in about 10 years.
Freaking colds are going around everywhere Rose. Hope ya get to feeling better Mam.
Good morning ofc. having my first cold in about 10 years.
Oh No Rose !-- Take care of yourself --I know U know how to take care of others ---Time to take care of yourself the same way ! --Umbra's poem was nice but it made me laugh !--Not at the poem !---All I could picture in my mind was Chris Farley in front of a class on Saturday Night Live reading music lyrics as his poetry !---What was the name of that song ? --
How U doing Nes ? --I was hoping U weren't sick !---Seed coming your way !--Same address right ?--
What up Rose ? -- Finally built D.D. another lid for her veg. boxes !---- 35 holes thru a tote lid with a 2 inch door knob drill!-Took longer to debut the he that it did to drill them !--- She wanted a back up for cleaning boxes and stuff !--Anyway that's done !--Now I better take me a big dose of caps and get to work on it before my body realizes I hurt it some !--