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Keef got beat up by his Grandma. ..:rofl:

Wait a minute,,that aint funny,,,so did i.
Wasn't funny then Hopper !--
I got this little Bubblicious boy that I gotta take down !--- I think the T.E. is my best mom but I don't have any in bloom right now just Widow and T.E.!---Any interest in some Blueberry Bubblegum or a Bubblicious Widow ?-- If so better let me know before I trash him !--Next time I'm planning to chunk some pollen is when I sex the GG#4 --I plan to breed him to my T.E.!--
What's for supper ?-- I smelling some kind of chicken soup / stew I'm not sure D.D. is high and cooking I'm good !---I told her don't use no dairy , wheat and only organic and no processed food in it and she told me bad words !-- D.D. cooking without butter or milk !---That would be like the time she tried to cook a vegetarian gumbo !---Somethings U just can't do !---
DD ,,,,KEEF wants a spanking. He is into switches he said. :rofl:
I prefer a switch over almond milk, at least for cooking. Made a chicken stew with tomatoes & onions & stuff, then put some cornbread dumplings in & simmered til done. It was pretty darn good too! Now, more weed for me smoking!
Umbra how they milk them little almonds ?---Seems like it would take some steady to get the milking machine on them little almond teats !---I don't think I can see well enough to do that !---
Wasn't funny then Hopper !--
I got this little Bubblicious boy that I gotta take down !--- I think the T.E. is my best mom but I don't have any in bloom right now just Widow and T.E.!---Any interest in some Blueberry Bubblegum or a Bubblicious Widow ?-- If so better let me know before I trash him !--Next time I'm planning to chunk some pollen is when I sex the GG#4 --I plan to breed him to my T.E.!--

keef both sound good.
I heard that Hopper !--- My grandmother make U go pick the switch U was gonna get beat with and don't be bring back a twig or it'll just be worse !--- My little brother and his mouth usually meant he got it first she was mostly tired by the time she got to me !--Not to say I didn't get my share most times !--- U send a chd to school marked up like that these days CPS be all over U !--That just the way it was back then !

you sure we didn't have the same grandmother? in my case it was my great grandmother and it had to be a plum switch. when it came to my grandmother it was a spoon, shoe, brush or anything else she could get her hands on.
Umbra how they milk them little almonds ?---Seems like it would take some steady to get the milking machine on them little almond teats !---I don't think I can see well enough to do that !---

Takes a steady hand and thick glasses. Lol
Giggy I still got Trips my Blueberry Blast boy I can cross on Bubblicious later !--I got some good looking Trips -x- T.E. --I just been calling my Blueberry Elephant! -- That is looking good !--- That T.E. be a good mom !--- Some Blueberry Widow !--and straight up BPU-X-B.B---Then there this baby Strawberry Elephant I got !---Mom was the sister to that White Elephant ------(T.E.-x-W.W.) U grew Giggy then crossed with a Strawberry Rhino !--- I got the Strawberry Rhino and Strawberry Ice (Strawberry Rhino-x- Jamaican Ice) too!-- May the best Blueberry and Strawberry win ! If I only had some Cherry Limeade !---No man I got my hands full till I get these things paired down to keepers !--
I just finished a big Pepsi float with HEB 1905 vanilla ice cream !---I don't like ice cream anymore !
If I can get me a girl that doesn't hermie --I got Rose's Purple Haze! --( -Blueberry Lemonade! ) too !
I should come clean !-- I got Strawberry Ice and Strawberry Elephant babies from seed treated with Zombie Juice that may well be tetras !--Two of those Dawgs out of Hippie's seed may also be tetras !
I prefer Coconut or Almond milk for drinking, but milk or cream for cooking.
I think i have a little cold. Can't breathe out of one side of my nose & my throat is sore. Hate colds! But, on the bright side, I've got weed!
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