Keef got beat up by his Grandma. ..:rofl:
Wait a minute,,that aint funny,,,so did i.
Wait a minute,,that aint funny,,,so did i.
Wasn't funny then Hopper !--
I got this little Bubblicious boy that I gotta take down !--- I think the T.E. is my best mom but I don't have any in bloom right now just Widow and T.E.!---Any interest in some Blueberry Bubblegum or a Bubblicious Widow ?-- If so better let me know before I trash him !--Next time I'm planning to chunk some pollen is when I sex the GG#4 --I plan to breed him to my T.E.!--
I heard that Hopper !--- My grandmother make U go pick the switch U was gonna get beat with and don't be bring back a twig or it'll just be worse !--- My little brother and his mouth usually meant he got it first she was mostly tired by the time she got to me !--Not to say I didn't get my share most times !--- U send a chd to school marked up like that these days CPS be all over U !--That just the way it was back then !
Not when i was growing up. We were always well manered,,,if not we would have gotten our asses kicked from everybody in the freaking neighborhood, ,and then when Pa got home we were getting our asses kicked again. Lol
I use almond milk
Umbra how they milk them little almonds ?---Seems like it would take some steady to get the milking machine on them little almond teats !---I don't think I can see well enough to do that !---