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I guess i could/should reconsider re doing the rules, but I would feel I was taking away the MarP that I thought so much of for starting this site. Besides that, it is not my call, if you would like Hippie, i can tell THG of your concerns.
Just wondering Hopper !---
Umbra so under this Industrial Hemp Act growing hemp would be legal in all 50 states !!---What a coincidence ! --That's exactly what I grow !----Yep !--I can be a hemp farmer !--Them GG#4 labels is just for kicks !--That hemp !
There was this guy here...I forget his name. Back when Hick was a mod. He talked about killing cats and eating them. He moved to Kentucky to grow hemp.
Hey Umbra, how are things going with your son?

I have a friend that found her 43 year old son dead last night from a heart attack. Made me call my son..well actually he called me. He is 39... scary. I am not sure how she will ever get thru this.

How sad,,,a Mother should never have to see that. My father died at the age of 36 with a Heart Attack.
There was this guy here...I forget his name. Back when Hick was a mod. He talked about killing cats and eating them. He moved to Kentucky to grow hemp.

Cat eating basterd,,,bet he had fur balls. :rofl:
I took some more caps !--Chased them with some some smoked pork --Mane that stuff is good !--I be walking on the ceilings soon !-- I'm kinda bummed !--I don't think that strength Zombie Juice was too weak !--Oh Well !-- D.D. say I'm obsessed with tetras !---I said like only a brain damaged person can obsess !---I will attack the problem and hammer away from every direction until I have my prize !--- At that time the obsession ends !---
Hey Umbra, how are things going with your son?

I have a friend that found her 43 year old son dead last night from a heart attack. Made me call my son..well actually he called me. He is 39... scary. I am not sure how she will ever get thru this.
I don't honestly know. He says very little to me, lol. My oldest son is coming this week. One of the biggest problems I had when I was married was a became co dependent. I have been told that I am an enabler. So I am trying to change some of my ways. I didn't make dinner last night. There is plenty of food in the house. He went hungry rather than cook for himself. So this step number one...the chef and maid both quit, lol.
It is easy to become co-dependent. I don't know how I would ever go on w/o mr rb...i used to be very independent, not so much anymore.. Good for you for cutting the chains.
Rose! It's your birthday! Happy, happy, joy, joy! And, I too, think that "awesome" describes you better than "spud!" Plus, don't go changing MP-- it's perfect! Had fun earlier watching a group of nematodes trap & attack a root aphid! Thought I had smoked too much at first, but pretty sure that's what I saw. Very few aphids left; saw a few babies, but not too concerned yet. You guys behave & let Rose enjoy her bithday !
Not your birthday Rose? I think Keef just made that up! But, still, we should treat you like it's your birthday every day! Cause you're just that awesome!
Isn't that the best when you see a good bug eat a bad bug... I think we could sell tickets it so cool. I am happy you are doing the beneficial things.. Very cool. I use those blue or yellow sticky traps..and they are sticky. I am so disappointed when there is nothing on it.. lol, i really need to get a life. It really isn't my birthday that is just a few week old post, but thank you DD. Enjoy your bug eat bug...better then a horror flick?
I have the yellow stickies, but there's never anything on them. Guess that's good. I still haven't figured out how they get plant to plant, since they don't fly & I don't think they swim.
We all know I smoke a lot of weed !--and that I'm easily amused !--- but that's pretty funny !---Wish it would been on purpose !--- I gotta go to the store anybody want to ride !-- I can drive good just help me get the car off the kickstand !----I be right back !
When i grow up i wanna be just like Rose where i can have 2 BD a yr. I want to get younger in both of them though. Yehaaaaaaaaa
If younger means arrogant, rude, and a know it all attitude...I'll stay old, lol.
I feel so silly !--Everyone knows cars don't have kickstands !---They usually fold up when U take off !-- It's broke anyway whatever it was !--- Wanna get high ? -- It's almost most 4:20 and D.D. bet I couldn't get there and back without breaking something !--OOPS !-- I was just playing !--Don't look in the big trash can there is nothing to see !
If younger means arrogant, rude, and a know it all attitude...I'll stay old, lol.

Not when i was growing up. We were always well manered,,,if not we would have gotten our ***** kicked from everybody in the freaking neighborhood, ,and then when Pa got home we were getting our ***** kicked again. Lol
I heard that Hopper !--- My grandmother make U go pick the switch U was gonna get beat with and don't be bring back a twig or it'll just be worse !--- My little brother and his mouth usually meant he got it first she was mostly tired by the time she got to me !--Not to say I didn't get my share most times !--- U send a chd to school marked up like that these days CPS be all over U !--That just the way it was back then !
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