now you know us texans have a way with words all our own.The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory native to Mexico and the southcentral and southeastern regions of the United States
"Pecan" is from an Algonquian word meaning a nut requiring a stone to crack.[3] There are many variant pronunciations, some regional and others not.[4] The most common American pronunciation is /piˈkɑːn/; the most common British one is /pɪˈkæn/.[4] Unusually, there is little agreement in the United States, even regionally, as to the "correct" pronunciation
If you ever find yourself bound up, eat a few raw peanuts. You'll **** your guts out. Don't know what they smell link boiling, but an oven full of 'em baking is a smell everyone should enjoy at least once.Man, forgot all about those boiled peanuts. ..just don't see them up north. ..use to eat the **** out of them when I was working in Louisiana. ....them and budain sausage miss that southern food that is for sure. ....
Morning, gang. Sun is shining, the road got plowed at 5 o'clock this morning, the Pullet lives until the next Donner event, and the world is a lovely place. Trading beer night for bud night didn't hurt a bit. Think I might sneak up and have a few with the amateurs this afternoon.
Nes, you sure you don't want some of this pretty white stuff? It's free, and I've got lots of it.