Home of the Old Fart's Club

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No beer for the hippie today. Made it 150' down the road before I buried the bastard. Fired up the tractor and plowed my way to it while the Pullet dug out from underneath it, backed it back into the driveway and said to hell with it. Thursday is now Bud day.:)
Just before I die I'm going to swallow a bag of popcorn kernels.
My cremation is going to be epic!
Keef's been in bed all day with face & neck pain. Got some brickweed this a.m. & made cannacaps, but it just isn't as effective as quality weed. Just hate using our quality weed for caps at least til we have enough for smoking & ingesting. Unfortunately, when you get brickweed you never know if it's going to be decent weed; this time I think we wasted our $220! I wish I could just go down to the local weed store & get him some proper medicine! Oh, yeah....Texas!
Evening yous guys.
Hitting the bong tonight. I find myself looking forward to the grow one the way home again.
Hope you feel better soon keef,
We might get a freeze tomorrow night. I hope not, the fruit trees are starting to blossom. You'd hate to lose a crop before it even gets started.
Keef's been in bed all day with face & neck pain. Got some brickweed this a.m. & made cannacaps, but it just isn't as effective as quality weed. Just hate using our quality weed for caps at least til we have enough for smoking & ingesting. Unfortunately, when you get brickweed you never know if it's going to be decent weed; this time I think we wasted our $220! I wish I could just go down to the local weed store & get him some proper medicine! Oh, yeah....Texas!

Hell,ya can get a Zip of good Dank for 275 to 300.
We're having a Donner Party! Old Hen made a crock pot full of pork and 'taters, I made a loaf of soda bread, and the Pullet made a loaf of cheese and bacon bread.

Being snowed in and all, I figured the Pullet would get ate first 'cause she's the youngest (fryer). The Old Hen goes next (stewer). I should last 'til spring!
Good morning peeps.

Nes, i have some old acapoloco gold seeds. i will start some and see if they take.. and then i could share.. I have no idea if they will pop.

Rose if they don't I have ten of them and about 15-20 Panama Red if you want them?
Keef's been in bed all day with face & neck pain. Got some brickweed this a.m. & made cannacaps, but it just isn't as effective as quality weed. Just hate using our quality weed for caps at least til we have enough for smoking & ingesting. Unfortunately, when you get brickweed you never know if it's going to be decent weed; this time I think we wasted our $220! I wish I could just go down to the local weed store & get him some proper medicine! Oh, yeah....Texas!

DD I told Keef and you if I was close enough to get y'all some back-up, I would gladly share my meds freely with y'all.
um 15 week flowering time? LOL... ya know for someone who grows pretty good pot, i sure don't know much... That would never work outdoors huh umbra or anyone else? I am going to try... Seems to me those varieties were some of what i was smoking when i met mr rb.... Loved those strains then...

Keef, i hope you are better. Kraven, hey... so the whole world has those strains?? oh boy.. why have you not grown them? the long flowering period?

Giggy i made fried cabbage and onions and bacon and sausage...um i smell like bacon. I don't know if i have ever had that much grease...lol it was great.. I took my aspirin.. Worked out today, hope that helps.

Giggy i am just impressed you can spell oaxaca!
um 15 week flowering time? LOL... ya know for someone who grows pretty good pot, i sure don't know much... That would never work outdoors huh umbra or anyone else? I am going to try... Seems to me those varieties were some of what i was smoking when i met mr rb.... Loved those strains then...

Keef, i hope you are better. Kraven, hey... so the whole world has those strains?? oh boy.. why have you not grown them? the long flowering period?

Giggy i made fried cabbage and onions and bacon and sausage...um i smell like bacon. I don't know if i have ever had that much grease...lol it was great.. I took my aspirin.. Worked out today, hope that helps.

Giggy i am just impressed you can spell oaxaca!

it is also nice to have spell check, but still so many slip by me.
I've got some Blue Mountain Jamaican seeds, and I'll bet they've got a long flower time, too. I'd be tempted to breed 'em to a landrace Afghani and see what you could get the flower times down to.

I'm no breeder, but what would it hurt to try?
Morning O.F.C. !-- It's 2 am. -- Had to get out of bed for awhile so thought I'd check in !-- I been beat worse than this before !---I'll get back up !--- I can be an a** hole when I'm hurting so I can't be around U guys !--- I'll pick a fight !--I'm not getting around very well but the worst is probably over !--- I'll be back getting into trouble before U know it !-- Later my Peeps !
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