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What up Umbra ? --- Cherry Limeade ? -- Sounds tasty !-- Hey couldn't U just blast them plants with some Pink Floyd --Maybe just put Dark Side of the Moon on a loop ?--
Its a subsonic harmonic wave generator called a biowave. It forces the pores that a plants breathes thru to stay open (stomata) increasing respiration and photosynthesis. They recommend CO2 levels of 2000ppm or higher and increased nute levels. The first thing I noticed was my dehumidifier. I went from emptying it every other day to emptying it 5x a day. Once we do a final trim we'll get a weight to compare to from last time. I would say it will be higher, just not sure how much.

another member here, orangesunshine asked me to do a gj with it. Next up is the Emerald Cup winner cherry limeade that we will be running and I thought that might be a good strain to do with it.

cool when you do i'll try to keep up. i've gotten to where i just hit two threads here, the ofc and the what you listening to. by the way cherry limeade does sound good.
Morning my friends. Drinking coffee and fixen to vapp a little Liquid Gold. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Can i say my boy Trump is kicking that ***. Lol
Morning Giggy. Everytime i see your name i think about Family Guys Quagmire. Lol
Morning O.F.C. !-- Giggy U gonna turn some more pages today ? -- Turn 3 of them over yesterday !-- Still waking up I need more coffee and another toke or 2 --I be O.K. !
I looked rediculous like that,,,and now my Granddaughter thinks im an idiot. :rofl:
I be better !--Quagmire is my hero !--Him --Roger that alien in the other cartoon and Archer !
Morning all, finished wading through the garden, keeping things rolling along, on my second cup of coffee and fixing to spark a bowl of GDP this am....last time I smoked this @ wake and bake I had the giggles for nearly an hour....love the GDP, need to get me a quality cut, sure is a fun strain to ingest, and I like the fruity smell, it tastes REALLY earthy which is ok with me too :)
I'm looking for a strain called Moonflower, it's a cross of Hybrid Querkel x Dairy Queen. If anyone has a lead I sure would like to get pointed in the right direction, cut or beans is fine with me, just trying to locate it, thanks for the help.
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