What up Umbra ? --- Cherry Limeade ? -- Sounds tasty !-- Hey couldn't U just blast them plants with some Pink Floyd --Maybe just put Dark Side of the Moon on a loop ?--
Yup.Hippie's Dawg --is Chem 91-x-The Sugar -x- Chernobyl --Right Hippie ?
I'm not ready to talk about Hippie's Mutants yet !
Its a subsonic harmonic wave generator called a biowave. It forces the pores that a plants breathes thru to stay open (stomata) increasing respiration and photosynthesis. They recommend CO2 levels of 2000ppm or higher and increased nute levels. The first thing I noticed was my dehumidifier. I went from emptying it every other day to emptying it 5x a day. Once we do a final trim we'll get a weight to compare to from last time. I would say it will be higher, just not sure how much.
another member here, orangesunshine asked me to do a gj with it. Next up is the Emerald Cup winner cherry limeade that we will be running and I thought that might be a good strain to do with it.
Giggity giggity alright!!!!
I looked rediculous like that,,,and now my Granddaughter thinks im an idiot. :rofl:
Giggy -- This White Elephant is nice !-- Make me proud !