Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Mrfist That is awful. I hope and pray for your recovery to begin soon. I know we are all pulling for you. Antibiotics won't work on viruses so I guess Tylenol it is. I guess it is good cannabis has anti inflammatory properties. Smoking it may not be a good idea at this time though. Tincture or edibles would be better.
My heart goes out to you and yours. Take care.
You know what really sucks try to get up with my doctor they won't talk to you on the phone they want to do a video appointment and charge you $280 to ask a question I am so done with this Healthcare System

It would be awesome if our tax dollars would provide us with free healthcare like most developed countries.
it's been miserable so far....no energy just want to die...short of breath feel hungry but cant eat,try to cough up this phlegm to no avail then I get out of breath,this mess is for real dont let anyone tell you different...thank you all for your concerns I will get better hopefully.......peace
Good morning all. We have a cool morning, i think it might be a good time to work out in the garage. Mr Fist, take really good care of yourself. It is no joke as you know. I am sure sorry.
I hope you all have a good day today.
Good evening everyone. I sent my son home with a batch o brownies, I guess I am my sons mother inlaws new hero. Turns out they were a big hit with her. We are having a heat wave here, mid 90's every day for the next week with 70+ percent humidity. Hate to admit it but I ain't cut out for this weather.
We were pretty hot a week or so ago but it’s been very tolerable of late...hope it continues a bit...I’m heading for the high country over the holiday...up in the Sierras...don’t know if I’ll have signal so y’all have a fun and safe holiday!!!and get high if ya can...
so I find out today that I have contacted this this thing called covid....I have no fever,just some shortness of breath but I have allready had that from my copd and I feel a little under the weather...low appetite low energy level...my doctor says just go home isolate,no contact with others...my wife tested negative so we will deal with that situation...told my kids and grandkids stay away...ask doctor what do I take for this mess,was told nothing will work just take tylenol and stay home....so the fun begins
Prayers for yo fam man.we will make it thru this.smoke some more,they believe it helps fight covid.happy growing to you bro.
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