Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hi all, SA, i hope your mower can be saved. RE, looking good, glad your home. Ziggy, the plants are fine to go out now, they will veg until after June 21st when the days start to get slightly shorter daylight and very slowly switch to flowering. I will put mine out this week, I think.

Rose,,you grow in a 🛀? That sounds cool. Does it drain good with only one hole?
I have smart pots in the tub now. I started out growing in my old bathtub, but now we have upped our game. lol Bigger cooler tub. I am breeding a mimosa and big sure holy bud in there at the moment. I use my bathroom to grow and clone etc. I am getting ready to start outdoors now.
Burnin, Purple punch must be good. I think I smoked some and went to bed. Love that sometimes.

Nick, do you think you will see wv legal in our time? Better hurry huh. We were going to come your way this summer, but not now.
Mr fist, Bertha doesn't sound good. Be safe guy. Is your state open and being stupid like so many? That is not an insult to you. That didn't sound good. Smokeumif you gotum. I am enjoying sunset sherbert while Annie is crying to get on my lap, no not s poiled here, no way. Good night baby girl Ziggggy , love you honey.
Good Morning all. Rose, I think my backwards state will be the last to legalize but who knows. The federals will probably legalize before WV. I put rat poison out to deal with the rodents who came into my house because of the flooding. Now I have to deal with the smell of dead varmints. Not cool.
Nick, I'm hoping after all the carnage that this virus has caused, it will make states look to replacing all that lost revenue with weed revenue. All it takes is the feds taking it off the list, period. They don't have to do anything else. Once decriminalized, the states will take over, as they should.
Good morning all. Nick, i hope not, i wish all states would just legalize already. so stupid. Re, I think we are in for triple digits soon, I sure hope it waits awhile. My seeds in the bathroom are looking good. I am pretty excited to see the new hope. So happy. Thank you to Umbra for the bshb clone. I know he isn't reading, but I would like him to know. Have a good day you people.
2RedEyes...is that clover you have planted in with your plants? That seems....brilliant! How is it working out? Seems like planting a nitrogen producing cover crop as mulch would work great.

I think I read somewhere that Pennsylvania was considering legalizing cannabis because of the costs of Covid-19. Need to get the Feds on the bandwagon. Banking laws need to be part of it.
the only good thing to come out of the virus thing is that more family's are eating dinner toghter as a family ..,,i read a report somewhere saying that 85 % of successful people remember eating dinner as a family ,,,I think we have lost that over the years ,,,I think its great to be able to sit and enjoy each others company ...im sure once this thing passes and we get back to normal...we will go back to eating alone or at different times ,,,im glad my son is getting so much time with me and his grand parents
Got to the mid 90's here but Harley and I staying safe inside. Spent several hours in the garden today and have several hours of work left to go. Who says growing weed isn't work?! I started some Zombie Kush and some Kmintz from Ripper seeds and then I started Oregon Lemons and Triple Grape. I also have about a dozen GG clones that are coming along. Lotta work!
Good evening fellow old farts. Never in my lifetime did I think legalizing cannabis would happen. I have been stoned for over 50 years, ever since my country sent me on a 2 year vacation to southeast Asia. Now, at 72 my state has both medical and recreational cannabis. Still find it hard to believe. Taxes on cannabis may just save this country. It's got to help, at least.
isnt that something AladinSane....I think eventually it will happen...all that really needs doing is like Zigggy said, take it off the federal danger list and let the states decide...I think if the feds relax, pretty much all the states will jump in too...I didn’t even start growing till it became legal and hadn’t really smoked consistently till then either but I had a job and a family and such all that time trying to be a standup guy...soon as California legalized recreational I started growing, just about the time I retired from my corporate slave days...
cheers, “Mimosa” Cuz that’s what I got...
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