Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I didn't choose to be an outlaw pot farmer !-- I did choose not to live as a pauper -- I just don't have much of a choice in my situation -- Just always had a thing about if I was gonna do something -- I wanted to be good at ! -- I get settled in the Bat Cave and get some new lights - I show U some chit !-- U see I knows some people who knows bout dis stuff !
Good Morning OFC....in between two storms, lots of rain around, rivers are flooding, things are just too warm for this time of year...
My six seeds are all up and doing well, ya gotta love it....
More tea and a bowl of papaya is in order:)
Hi everyone, good morning. rainy cloudy day in this part of the northwest. I'm cooking link sausage and pancakes for breakfast when the kids get up. We are getting "short" around here. Just a little over a month and we will have the house back to ourselves. I will miss these kids. She is hysterical So funny. That has been the good part. Man, this child needs MMJ. She has lost 10 pounds since she stopped smoking. She is so thin.. thus the breakfast. i only have a month to get her healthy. The problem when you stop using hard drugs, you remember why you used them in the first place. I never had her trauma and never used all that crap. Addicts are addicts for a reason. (thanks for listening, didn't know i needed to vent. Hi SA, how is your day? Man you are a good cook.
Morning just finishing off my 64oz of black coffee (2pots) with a wedding cake joint.
I saw somebody in Texas is getting tested now for Corona virus as well.
We're getting to be safer indoors than out. Take care everybody.
Blessing's, Peace, Love and good toking
Heck uv a day today. I got the muddiest river you ever saw out back. Its isn't raining but probably will be soon. My garden is starting to really turn around, I'll finish laying the screen down on the girls (I hope) and maybe even find the time to start assembling a little water garden. Ya just never know, when you are as retired as I am everything has to be flexible. I do still need a pump
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