I think I am....therefore, I am......I think
Read the bible.
John 10:28. Nuff said.
John 10:28. Nuff said.
Yep, I need a vac pump.If U had one those vacuum pumps and a celite filter- It sure ashell would be !-- coffee filter - not sure ? - I know how U do so I expect U be vaping it shortly !- Your shine or everclear ?-
ThanksThat's pretty darn good compared to the dark green stuff
Hey Padre !-- Welcome to the OFC !-- I run a window unit in the grow and struggle to stay below 80 degrees in the heat of summer - Gonna fix that at the new place !-
- U should have seed shortly they on the way ! -- Summer coming I'll struggle with the temp !--And Bugs come with warmer weather too !-- I'd rather be in the low 70s --
There should be something in those seed that'll help with that back but U need to be eating some decarb regularly to get the best medical benefits !
Padre gonna be growing some OFC genetics and he certainly qualifies as an old fart so I told him come on over !
I was trying to remember what I sent out but ???-- I do remember that I sent RE - Nov and the Padre some blueberry chocolate seed --( GDP-x-BPU)- x- BOC --
Should be plenty too -- Other than that I Don't have a clue !
When they get there we'll talk about what U got !
I got some this fresh dried blueberry in the pipe- - Gonna take awhile in a jar for the blueberry to come out but got got a nice buzz to it !
Should be some colored weed in those seed too ? -- Many never been run !
Best way for me to explain it is I don't believe none they bullchit !-- Christianity and Islam are late comers to religion -- The old testament is a "Cliff Notes" version of the ancient writing found in Sumer from 6,000 years ago right up to the deluge !-- 4,000 year before the bible was compiled !--
Reading list :
The 12th Planet by Zacharis Sitchen
The Lost book of Enki
The Eagle and Serpent
The Epic of Gilgamesh
I blasphemy again !-- Don't 'fect me none !
Free yo mind and the rest will follow !
I ran across a nice asperator that I hook to my kitchen faucet.It does look clean don't it ?-- Next time maybe shop vac / vacuum cleaner hose --pulling thru yookur thump keg from the filter/funnel ?- Duct tape is my friend !-- Some good filter material U be done quick !