Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Wind is picking up !-- Weather turning nasty --
U know I came over to help the nephew set up this grow and to get my girls for the Bat Cave ?-- I thought I was staying in his old travel trailer - Found out today this old trailer belong to me !-- Would have been nice to know - I would have been improving my living conditions all along !-- Anyway Nephew is moving and changing jobs -- So I made a modest offer for the mudhole !- very modest --
Mudhole ?-- I can call it the Bat Cave if I want !--
Gday OFC , weekend at last first week back at work , man I got to win the lotto , found a seed bank in OZ they say they use delivery services and not mail so no custom checks , I so want to order some seeds but Im still not sure last time I ordered seeds I got boys in blue was lucky not to get a stretch in the clink , they do look good though so tempting
Need some advise , my new light showed up yesterday it is more powerful than what Im using ,do I wait for next grow or can I put over my current grow with 4 weeks to go
hope you all have a great day
I second that emotion !-- Maybe replace another one with it ?-- Mane I gotta get settled !--
Like I told them up here Crocket -- If someone can get in trouble because someone send them some seed/ weed -- I got a list of people I wanna send some chit --Can I tell on them too ?-- I might get all religious after I get set up and send Crocket a bible ( hide some seed in the binding)-- I could get them there ! -- I wouldn't do it anyway I say anything about --but - sounds like a challenge to me ?-- They catch him Mr. Meoff in big trouble !
Purple Mimosa died -- Had a fatal case of preflower balls -- under 24/7 light -- If I'm not mistaken I see preflowers on
"V"- ( Umbra's -- The Golden Ticket -x- Box of Chocolate )- they not male preflowers-- When I'm sure that's what I see can I go ahead and call her female and take some cuts ?- or wait for proper 12/12 verification ? -- Nurse Larry and the gang almost died in that dirt - looking good now in water !--
Tommorrow or Sunday they go into 12/12 for sexing !
Will do Umbra !-- Thanks -- my eyes is old so I wanna see more 1st !-- Few days if they pistols they will be easier to see -- I think they are !-- Got 2 shots at a triple Lemon in that group - all the colored girls !-- Still got 3 Purple Mimosa-- Purple Haze -- PH-x- BBSL -- SD-x- BBSL
Da Nurse in there -- 2 weeks I'll have the last of my girls !-- Tell me I don't know how to get buckwild?-- This was the hard part for what I do - After this - I clone /grow /bloom !-- repeat !
Every 2 weeks be a busy day or 2 !- harvest /clean / reload / do it again !---6 little mid size plants - 25 % of bloom every 2 weeks !-
- fresh cut -
- 3 weeks in a cloner developing roots and begin growing
Veg about 6 weeks (ish)
Plants moved to 8 week (ish) bloom cycle
Do it again !

Nov -- I'm be needing some cheese for the diner - how it be ?
A problem I could fix if it was my place Umbra !--I could back them right da "F" up off this place !--- I Don't think it will work out anyway -- It was just a thought -- We'll see what fate has in store for me ? -- Texas gonna do at least some kind of reasonable MMJ bout this time next year ?-- I don't think they dare stop it again -- When that happens there's this cocky outlaw grower down there got like a worldwide network of dank farmers who got his back ?--Say he want a piece of this legal chit !-- I wouldn't want to bet against that ? -- Just let him have what he wants and won't be no trouble ! - Partnership - running the grow for a local dispensary in Anywhere , South Texas !--
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-- I'm be needing some cheese for the diner - how it be ?
It might be a herm. There was a seed in my grinder that was about 1/2 formed. It could have been from some other stuff. But I'm pretty sure the grinder was decently cleaned for the test. I'm going in now to start looking about.
There was a fair deal of stress due to high heat at times. Low humidity as well.
I have some nice clones of the Mozz. I'll push one over and keep an eye on it. It should I just scrap the whole line of em?
Nov-- if one clone hermies just toss the rest and start over --
Nick the nephew is moving -- If this was my place the big dogs would be gone or would be fenced out !-- There's a place for a gate !-- This place about half fenced -- Plus-- the target will be off this place soon !-- Way too many people coming and going !--That'll be elsewhere soon -- Can't have that at a grow ! -- I've been thru this all in my head -- it's not the perfect solution but I could make it work if it was mine !
Things get settled down after the holidays the beach house might sell quick and the perfect Bat Cave might fall in my lap ?-- Just keeping my options open ?
Oh I thought it had hermied for real !-- U Don't come back from that round me !- I kill a hermie faster than I kill a male !- I might have a use for a male - not for a hermie !
Roaring rain out there with wind !-- Jet and Jake say they Don't want to go outside !-- I'm take me an ease pill - have a bite and go to sleep !-- Hope I ain't floating tommorrow ?
That tree fall on this trailer and kill me tonight-- I'm be so pissed off ! --
Give me my bong?-Where my lighter ?-
-- Come back Other Keef U can't outrun lightening dumass !
He know 2 things -- Fight or flight !--and he rude !---- Least he ain't out in the yard with a metal pipe --chit talking lightening ?--That could turn out bad ?-- Lightening like that honey badger !
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