Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning OFC! I'm feeling much better now too. HP that was totally me for about 2 days. RAWR. :p The Chocolope is good stuff. It is Gypsy Chocolope cultivated by Riviera Creek. The name Gypsy and the story of Choco rings a small bell somewhere in my memory. I seem to remember hearing/reading that Gypsy had a counterfeit chocolope... Old memory from many years back I think. Am I right? Anybody know anything?
I'm being beckoned, I'll be back in a bit!
Good morning OFC.
Gypsy Nirvana is a crappy breeder who got busted in the UK, lol. Subcool worked as his breeder for a couple years after he got out of prison. Subcool was from Florida and got 5 years for growing. When he got out, he moved to Holland. Subcool was a member here for a short time. He had nothing good to say about Gypsy or the beans he sells.
Thanks Umbra! I had a feeling you would know some history about Gypsy. TBH, it's a good buzz. The label says 29.6 thca. About .16 CBD. It makes me forget and get over what I was mad about ten minutes ago. Very useful recently.
I just remember negative context associated with Gypsy. It would've been cool to meet Subcool. I imagine he's backed off into somewhere much more private.
Good Morning OFC....Wake n bake with some blueberry today...getting low on it...needing to drop a couple in the soil for next run.Almost that time again to be planning the next run...approaching mid-flight on this one. The work Gods have smiled on me today(I think) and I have the day off...so its a day of chores and mixing some hot soil up.I guess I have the grow bug bad....get a day off and its like...how can I better serve my plants...lmao. Smoke it till ya drop!

good morning everyone ,,,,have been working 65 to 70 hour weeks ,,,,the boy is fine ,,,ordered some seeds from attitude seeds ,,,I was high when I placed the order ...I saw they gave you a 20 % discount for cash orders ,,,so my order was just under 300$,,60$ discount for cash ,,,so I put 260 in the envelope and sent it off ...waited about 20 days then I started to worry,, I sent them about three emails and got no response,,,,finally after 30 days I checked there web site and my order was "dispatched",,,,so a week after being dispatched it still has not arrived ,,,hoping for the best ,,,I can clone very good but my germination skills needs work ,,,ive been cloning for 10 years ,,I have not germinated a seed in many years but im gonna give it a shoot ,,,fingers crossed,,,,
Morning OFC !-- Still a bit under the weather -- It may have been funny but the dog bruised my face up pretty good !-- Twisted me up some when I went down so I been making grandpa noises when I move !-- Moving slow ! -- My cannacaps are helping !
Good deal Gloman !-- Take care of yourself !
Zig - I hope U get your seed soon -- I'm with U -- I would rather clone !-- What Did U order ?
I got this batch of babies sexed -- I ended up with 3 blueberry -- 2 Blueberry Chocolate and this AK thing ! -( AK -x- BBSL)-- x-( BPU -x -BB )-- Waiting to see if smashing 2 dominates together like that will get me something different ?
Already took my cuts and got them rooting -- so I end up with them and WI-x- BBSL -- 4 clone lines from that planting -- Umbra's Grape crosses coming up next -- Started them in my bio foam cubes -- Tore the foam gently off and placed the sprouts into aero cups and collars -- They kicking it now !--I think I lost 2 out of 26 in the transfer -- Lots of Indica in these babies Umbra !-- Just like I like !--
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I just want to point out an observation -- If U got a big sack of cannacaps ?-- Everybody says they're sick !--Some really are and some of them is lying ! --

Edit :-- Just want to point out a problem I got !-- I got me another e-cig for my nicotine so I can get off tobacco again -- So I got an e-cig with nicotine and that other one right there got hash oil in it -I keep getting confused !--- Like Nov - I had to pick one up at the dispensary -- (U know Texas got no dispensaries !)--!- If I was driving and I was the cop who pulled me over ?-- Straight to jail !- Get that lit up stoner off the street right now ! - He a danger to himself and others !-- No !-- I don't want a toke and U don't need one either !-- Where my handcuffs ?-- Get your highass in the car !- U going to jail !
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miss Harlequin is getting shaggy...maybe another week or so...if the weather holds...I think we have some sunny days still in the schedule...the other two may need more time...not sure I have enough time...
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Your Miss Harlequin looks fabulous! I would love to try growing this #1 on my list but it would never make it this long here in BC. Dam!
I need a better High CBD !-- maybe Harley ?
Just got some more WI clones transplanted to dirt !-- WI would stand for -- (The White -x- Nepal Indica )-( straight out the House of Umbra)- x- Black Berry Snow Lotus -- I threw some out too -- Keep the best !-- Leave the rest !-- I think I got enough for the nephew and I ?--More WI clones than U can shake a stick at ! -- Gonna have to bloom that mother plant again -- she plenty ready !
Mz Cinister -- I got an assignment for U if U choose to accept it ?-- I'm looking for something out of Canada I almost laid hands on once before but it was denied to me !-- It's called U.B.C. Chemo !-- I would also like the Pink Kush but Billy is on to me !-" Billy Buds Clones and Seed"
UBC Chemo is not one of his !--
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