Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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RE -- No doubt about needing help to break into the commercial side -- My money would get me nowhere !-
I mean I can pay the bills and such with a hidden little grow -- but commercial I wouldn't know where to start !
That's someone else's job !-- I kinda like the idea of running the grow end of a start up legal dispensery as a partner --
There's lots of Texas money sitting on the sidelines waiting to see what Texas will do - So Homeboy gonna go fishing for help !-- If U don't got the weed U ain't getting the money - How U get the weed for sure ?-- U gonna need someone like me !

Edit :--Another thing !- Look around at this world we live in and tell me what's normal and how things will be when this darkness passes ?-- If it passes ? - I'm betting it will pass -- Gonna be a whole new world -
I can adapt !
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Keef's Tincture
4 parts crumbled decarb - 6 parts oil -- Put the decarb in some hot coconut oil in a jar -- Shake it or stir some as it cools -- Then filter -- If that's not potent enough use the oil on a second batch of weed !-- dose about a tablespoon ( 2 for stoners like U) -- U can substitute that oil for the oil in any recipe too !-- Just know the dosage first !
Hi Guys, i am with you Keef, i am so tired of hate and torture. Torture in our united states. Children in cages, I have tried to stop watching the news, but it has made an impact on me. I am not the same person as BT. You can't be hypersensitive and live in this.
Cane, have fun, and be careful. BC, is so beautiful. Love it up there. If ya see Trudeau tell him i send my love.
Gloman, it is very hard, my mother had a bit of dementia but was never anything but sweet. My grandma was a different story. She lived with us for a bit.
Zigggy so good to see you. HP, i love your memes. (is that what we call them)
Good luck on the rso. Umbra, way to clean out the porch! 35 bucks, is a lot!
Good morning yall!
Wish things weren't so crazy here.
Dementia can be a real bird to deal with.
Its a nail biter waiting for them cuz the drama around here is getting out of hand.

I feel sometimes like my family is going to be put thru soma this when I get there, assuming I stick around till I get that old...I went thru it with my own dad who was a very intelligent gentleman...it was hard to watch and listen to him saying things that I know he used to understand but could no longer grasp...at least he always knew who I was...
I wish you and your mom the best
So far so good. That is a nasty smell though....a huge batch would be worrisome. I unplugged all the electronics except the fridge and killed the light bulbs in the kitchen. Got flour, salt and an extinguisher nearby if needed in the case of combustion. It's bubbling slowly in the cooker.
RE --a regular oral dose will help brain things like Dementia-- U need to be on an oral dose- Everybody with access need to be on a regular oral dose !-- No matter what's wrong with U - It works as a preventative too --
and if there's nothing wrong and U just want to get high-- something like this Ole Painless tincture here will work nicely !-- I think I'm melting !-- I need to make a supply run -- I got a list but I seem to be glued to the couch !
Rose -- I was thinking about U when I was watching the news earlier-- Lots of sadness out there --
Nov - Are U cooking alcohol off an extract in an open pan in the house ? -- Cuz that will make a big boom ! - I hope I Just misread ?

In improvised explosive devices -- U call that a gas assisted explosion -- The alcohol content reach a minimum point in the air and reach a spark -- It will level a house -- Ya'll don't be letting alcohol vapors loose in a closed area -- It will kill U !-- Big Boom !- I prefer things don't blow up unless I tell it to --
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Hi Guys, i am with you Keef, i am so tired of hate and torture. Torture in our united states. Children in cages, I have tried to stop watching the news, but it has made an impact on me. I am not the same person as BT. You can't be hypersensitive and live in this.
Cane, have fun, and be careful. BC, is so beautiful. Love it up there. If ya see Trudeau tell him i send my love.
Gloman, it is very hard, my mother had a bit of dementia but was never anything but sweet. My grandma was a different story. She lived with us for a bit.
Zigggy so good to see you. HP, i love your memes. (is that what we call them)
Good luck on the rso. Umbra, way to clean out the porch! 35 bucks, is a lot!
LOL that was Friday. On Saturday I took another 4 large leaf bags filled and got another $27. My son and I are going out for sushi later with the money.
I used that much alcohol. Initially I was worried. It's in a rice cooker Keef. It's cooked down well. I've got fans in push/pull directing the air out a window and good flow on the lower end of the rice cooker. No spark from there anyhow. Checked it in the tent. But CYA is right! Outside is preferable but I'm in a bad location for that and there's none I trust enough to let them know I'm doing it.


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If you blow yourself up I am going to be really mad at you.
All is well Rose! I just made sure to exchange the air rapidly. There's a few grams of oil in there. Can't upload a pic yet.
I spent the extra money and bought a glass still. Sparkless heater thru a condenser and a get about 90% of the 190 back.
Rose showed me one. I couldn't spare the money for it right now. Definitely going to get one in the future tho!
RE --a regular oral dose will help brain things like Dementia-- U need to be on an oral dose- Everybody with access need to be on a regular oral dose !-- No matter what's wrong with U - It works as a preventative too --
and if there's nothing wrong and U just want to get high-- something like this Ole Painless tincture here will work nicely !-- I think I'm melting !-- I need to make a supply run -- I got a list but I seem to be glued to the couch !
Rose -- I was thinking about U when I was watching the news earlier-- Lots of sadness out there --
I guess I’m good then, I take an oral dose every night...
That's what I was talking about when I referred to the OFC hive mind -- If U gonna do something for the 1st time ask around - One or more of us probably did it and can guide U on doing it safely !-- The Gloman got a stove top moonshine still he can run with an gas burner if he wants and ain't nothing blowing up -- A stoner playing with flamable solvents ?-- We can do it if we know what we doing-- but ?- Best use a machine like Rose got for RSO - It can get expensive from the growing to final product but stuff tends to pay for itself !-- Sometimes U just got to wait! -- Ya'll don't be blowing up stuff accidently OK ?
Keef, cancer don't wait. I got a sheriff to the right of me and no place else to make it happen. Force air exchange.... If the vapor goes out the window it's not an issue.... Like a flow hood? Just a man sized one. I asked every one their opinions. Every one said negative! You was away or you'd have said negative too.
No flames or sparks were involved. I unplugged everything including shutting the stove pilots. I been living years of risk. I was more scared of taking a shot than blowing up!
She's looking bad. The treatments are killing her. I'm off to the post office. Thank all of you for your advice and concern. If you're in a pinch and you're heart hurts more than your concern for self preservation, it can be done. Small batch. 2 cups of grain. She's going to try it and see if she can handle it. I saved a grain of rice sized piece on the spatula to test it tonight.
In your place I may have done the same thing
Long as U knew the risk and got it done safely -- but don't make a habit of it cause U will get comfortable and then bad stuff happens -- Others may argue but that tincture will do the same thing -- RSO is just more concentrated so U take less --
Any decarbed extract will do if it's not too late and they can handle the buzz and keep taking it !-- 60 grams of RSO in 60 day comes out to about 2 lbs of weed - That's a pound a month -- However way U extract it or divide the doses up !--
Good luck to U !-- That's how we end up with patients !-- I been talking to my deceased little brother's ex wife -- She's over close to where I'll be -- She has some trouble controlling her A1C -- Elephant mouth --hummingbird body me-- jumped up and said -- I can fix that !-- Now I just gotta figure out how !
I don't want to get political but watching the news ?-- There is nothing in America I couldn't hunt with a Hawkins black powder rifle 30 caliber big enough but they got a 50 caliber too -- backed up by a black powder revolver ! --If U have to hunt deer with a machine gun ?-- Then maybe U shouldn't be hunting ? -- I'm not questioning your 2nd amendment rights -- I'm question your hunting skill !
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