It was 19th century that you saw breeding diversification with dogs. Rotties are an old breed brought by the Romans when the invaded what is Germany today.
Good morning all. Boy am i a happy girl this morning. Ya know the new neighbors a couple of years ago with the willow tree? They have three dogs that charge our fence to fight with our 3 dogs. Makes me crazy cause they stir up dust and get it on my pot really bad. Dust and sticky nugs are not good. Bud put a temporary fence up so they can't get to the fence. My pot is safe from the dogs and the quiet peaceful yard is back. no barking and trying to push our fence over. I love peace and quiet. There is a goldfinch eating niger thistle, so pretty, yellow and black. Birds and dogs and pot. woohoo. Have a good summer day. I hope you are all safe and sound with the crazy weather around these united states.