Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Watching John Waters on Bill Maher, lol. I met John before. There was a theater in Philly on South St, that ran Pink Flamingoes for 10 years. First date with my best friends sister. John Waters is there as a Judge in a Divine look a like contest. Divine shows up and enters the contest and took 2nd place. LOL.
Good Morning OFC...Another fine day in paradise...When down and out all ways remember to think green....not mean. sample of Mataro Blue this morning....nice smoke...smooth and tasty should cure on down to a delightful morsel. Doing some jobs this morning....funny how electronics all ways break on Friday afternoon lol. Peace
Morning OFC !- -It's dark !-- Waiting on that olive oil tincture to kick in -- Try to finish this pipe today !
Hollowpoint - I have a problem with computer technology -- There is a dark period in my past where -- OK - So I'm a REFORMED smart phone assassin -- 12 gauge - Nothing left but silver rain -- Felt good too !-- Phone won't ever frustrate anyone again !--
Hehe. Keef you crack me up!
Good morning y'all!
Illinois is poised to go legal!
House voted it in and now we wait on the Gov. to sign it into law! Its About Time!
Says medical users will be allowed to grow! Wind me up n turn me loose! Ill show y'all just how big these monsters can get!
Once its signed into law you can come up here bro. I got 40 acres and most of it is totally secluded from everyone. Grow your heart out and load it up to flip in Tx.
I'm looking forward to getting my Hog back on the road -- Needs a new carburetor- This one don't carb right - I think the technical term is "it's broke"-- 149 cc of raw power -- Scoot go so fast make your eyes bleed !
MOrning OFC. hows is it cold and muggy at the same time? Grats Gloman!!! The Governor said he's just waiting on it to get there so he can sign off on it. I watched soem of the deliberations via facebook but Illinois sounds like they'll have a decent program.
Congrats Gloman !-I want to see one those BBSL crosses totally unleashed-- see just how big it'll get ?-- - I've never known legal - I wouldn't know how to act !-- I can grow what they want back up in the Thicket !-- I spend a couple months getting the nephew hooked up while we sell this place -- Find a secluded hunting or fishing camp for sale cheap-- I'll be good to go !-- I'll be on the edge of a National Forest but I wouldn't plant there because harvest season and hunting season overlap and I don't like getting shot ! - Plenty lakes and rivers to plant outside the National Forest to grow hash weed !-- I like to grow my smoking weed inside but I know this guy's got a cement mixer for making bubble hash probably teach me how it's done ?
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Morning folks. I had a lousy night last night. Harley musta gotten some fleas when we where in Va. Last night they went exploring in my bed and found me!. Between the fleas and whatever I had for dinner I had a miserable night. I will be doing fle battle today! On another note, these Colorado cookies are better'n the Girl Scouts make!
Nick I gave my boys a flea shampoo 2 days ago ?- Anyway I looked out the window and saw Jake rolling in a pile of sand - He was still wet !- We don't do bath redos !-- I need to get them back to the vet for those heart worm pills that also keep fleas and stuff off them--
I hear they got lawn mowers U can ride and some that will go on thier own ?- All U have to do is walk along and steer it -- Mine ain't like that !-- Have I posted a rant lately about how much I hate a dam push mower ?-- Insert that rant here !- The one with the words that will get U kicked right da flock off here ! --Cause I'm feeling it !- I would rather shoot the lawn mower !
Dam !-- Dam !- Dam !-- I'm going !- but I don't like it !--
Good morning all,
Re, i am very lucky to have bud that is for sure. It is nice to have his help. you are right.
What happened to HBO? I have to watch Bill Maher on youtube? It is a beautiful day in my neighborhood. gonna be hot I think. I hope you guys have a good day, what are you smoking?
Good morning OFC. We have bad bugs here, whether ones for plants or ones for animals. I 've had success with Next Guard for the dogs. Its not cheap. Need to deal with the trench wars out back. Boomer has dug up the backyard so badly trying to get that mole, I can't get a mower over any of it. Dead & Co tonight 3rd row, Puddin asked how I got such good tickets, lol. Simple, I paid $250. General admission lawn seats were $50.
Gloman, I think if you put Oregon lemons outside, you could get a plant 12' and maybe 20' wide.
Really I'm gonna go mow !- Any minute now !- Only 90 degrees out there ?--
Hey Nick -- U still looking at that light bi- plane ?-- Lately seems like everytime I turn around I'm seeing an ad for one or they buzzing my house flying the beach !-- Fate be telling me - Keef U need to fly again !- I been digging those auto gyros !-
Might have to put off the mowing - Got injured !- I got a hang nail on my hand !
Oregon Lemon ?- I had one but lost it -I be wanting that one back -- One with a fine lemon profile - What I had was fine weed but wasn't a strong lemon profile -- Then Waldo the BBSL got to her !--
OL-x- BBSL = Stanky !-- I don't know what that terp profile is but dam it stinks !-- I got seed - I only had the one plant so I need to see if they all like that- I suspect they not !- Might be something special in there ?
Oh my finger !--Think I need to put a Gaza Strip on it !-- I could go to the ER ? - It's a compound injury -- Kinda of a hang nail with a paper cut !-- Serious chit !
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Mornin ofc, sunny and prolly gonna get warm today...I’m awaiting the arrival of my new ukulele bass and I see by tracking it’s at the local ups warehouse and I’m afraid it’s gonna sit there taunting me all weekend...scheduled for delivery on Monday...d@mn, I hope it don’t melt...
Hey, lets burn one!!!
I'm pretty impressed with the OL and the Apricot Head. Those 2 are way out performing the others. OL is stretching quite a bit and so is 1 of the A.H.
CW X GDH started out stretching but I pulled her over with a bungee cord and now she's somewhat under control.
The 2 mazar x bbsl are outdoors with a black jock clone. (Jock horror x black jack)
I hate it but this will have to be my last indoor grow for a few months.
Gotta have service people in and don't want them seeing my girls.
That's ok tho. I have just enuff stash to carry me thru.
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