Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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What up OFC ?-- Miss me ?-- I ain't going back and reading all dat chit I missed -- Ya'll talk entirely too much !-- I'll catch up later !-- I made some self changes while I been out -- I found Jesus and become a devout Republican!-- No !- Really !-- Maybe ?-- Maybe not ?
I think I got it worked out -- I'm headed to East Texas where I was gonna go to start with -- We just had a misunderstanding -- He got about half dozen of my BBSL crosses about a week into bloom -I saw pics!- Looking good !-- - I'm help him get his set up finished and working with a second grow area -- The water became too much for him so he got them in dirt --Plants don't care long as they get what they need - Still have to finalize the big move day but it's a burden off my back --
This place so far back in the Piney Woods of East Texas they have to pump in sunlight !-- I help him get set up then I won't mind asking for help with my set up !-- I'm be wanting new lights U know ?
I ain't real high !- Maybe a little ?--
Go- go - Go Johnny Go ! -- Johnny B. Goode --
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What up RE ?-- It is good to have a plan -- I hope it goes off without a hitch - I don't like being in between !-- I feel better that he got some plants up and working too - Save me much time -- I been ready to get out here for awhile but sometimes things don't go the way U want -- They just announced a new deep water port LNG facility -- Island home prices are spiking - again !- Much as I ain't been liking it I guess I been making money ?-
Over 60 - Rose ?- It was over 90 here today !--I hope U been well ?--
Memorial Day at the beach wasn't too good this year -- Wind coming in from off shore for days then a higher than usual tides caused rip current and put more people on less beach -- I think there were at least 2 deaths ?-- Someone ran over a kayaker with a boat in the ship channel -- U lay out catching some rays on the beach they'll run over U with them trucks like they got -- Get in a kayak and they come after U in a power boat - Bump ! - Bump !--I need to move!-- I am not a speed bump !--
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Despite what U hear on the news all is well on the sourhern border -- They building some more concentration camps --Recreational areas with shower buildings and big oven looking things ?-- Setting up a new program to help with cost too -- U need workers ?--U can rent them from the government cheap !-- Slave labor prices ! -- They break ?- The government will replace them free of charge !- There's plenty more !-

No Ya'll !- All is not well on the border !--
Its when they move in the oven and tell 'em its a shower and the bulldozers have deep trenches running a 1/2 mile long and 6 ft deep. Make sure they pull any gold teeth. The final solution.
Good Morning OFC....Got a Friday smile going....SK 1 in the bong...job box is full so off I go. Glad you got a plan Keef....I figure your going to show East TX a thing or two. Piney woods of TX, Lovely country...great fishing on Toledo Bend res. over that way and myself being an amateur Cryptozoologist recognize it has Sasquatch activity lol. That area is about 200 miles from my location maybe. Sorry about the photo....that is not my good side lol.

Good morning y'all!
Like a bad penny, ya just can't get rid of me for long. lol
I got more data time!
Good to see ya buddy!
See? I hade faith in ya. I knew you'd get it worked out.
You just too hard headed to quit!
East Tx. Sounds like a Good move! Out where nobody bothers you, you can spend your time doing what you love and not always be watching for popo.
Really glad you're doing better bro.
Good mojo going your way! I have 2 on the patio doing well!
Y'all have a great day!
I was talking to my pool guy the other day. He is also a grower, and has sampled a few of my buds. He was talking about Artisan Craft cannabis and those special plants that are just better or different in some way from the mainstream cannabis at the dispensaries. LOL so popping more beans from the stash when I come back from vacation. With Crush season rapidly approaching, taking vacation was now or after Thanksgiving. I honestly wasn't interested in waiting.
Morning OFC !- Feeling old and beat up today -- I guess U could say I'm a little worse from wear and tear--
Yep Hollowpoint-- I'll be right over there by the lake -- There's all sorts of scary stuff back up in those pine thickets -- I grew up over there - I make the tree line U not finding me -- I got my kayak - I wonder which one these things would make a good hash plant ?-- My only concern is getting caught with a kayak full of clones in the spring -- I can not come up with a believable explanation for such a thing-- The wind quit blowing -- Been blowing 35 mph for seems like weeks !-- Sometimes I see unknown chit fly by !--Couple days ago something big bounced thru my back yard
Still don't know what it could have been !--
Gonna be hot again today -- Somebody needs to mow my yard !--
Umbra -- Exclusive control of a highly desirable plant is where it's at -- The most desirable pheno / plant in the bunch -- I got a 5 cc syringe of seed to that blueberry chocolate and one girl is not gonna be enough -- After isolating 3 or 4 --I can tell if they all pretty much the same or is there different phenos -- I'm getting some variation I'll go thru them all for the best representative--
I got a lot of that to do to rebuild my Harem !--
Best I can gather the nephew started moving some weed to save on the cost of his smoke like most who deal - Seems he's moving about a 1/4 lb every pay day weekend - Says he could move more but that's all the money he can swing at one time for a buy - The weed is not as good as we grow but is a decent mid grade that cost him about $500 a 1/4 lb -- Seems it's that or what they call "Reggie"--Regular Mexican brickweed !--
I gotta get him set up doing the middle man thing -- He needs a lb at a time and those quarter lbs need to be going to a couple dealers -- It's a working class clientele and I don't think there is a "high end" market -- Seems to be plenty demand for what he's moving -- Have to wait and see what they think about fine weed ?-- He likes it !--
I'm help him build his market so he can move my weed too -- May not be the top end market but we'll work on that !
I probably find me a cheap place up in the woods and I'd like to grow and let him move it -- The grow needs farther away from him than it is now !-- It's a good place to start though !
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What up Nov ?-- Hot ashell here today -- I'm making a list for a supply run later after dark !-- I'm still learning lessons about this bachelor life - For instance -- All toilet paper is not the same -- Dis cheap chit ?- I think it got bark still in it ?-- Won't make that mistake again !--It's like using sand paper !- This morning I told myself I was gonna be a real person today and be productive -- I lied !--
Got a problem with my little dog -- He went running out the doggie door a couple weeks ago and ran right in amongst a flock of birds on the patio - Scared dahell outta him- He afraid to go thru the doggie door now ! -- He convinced the dam birds jumped him and he ain't going thru that door !-
I have to open the big door so he can look outside first to make sure it's not a trap !-
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