Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Me too, started with 3x5 gallon buckets of sifted compost from my own pile...Added a third of a bag of worm castings, a bit of fishbone meal, some Azomite, blood meal, bat guano, some Epsom salt and lime...and enough perlite to have a speckled appearance. I can add more if needed...mixed it all up and I’ll leave it out covered and cooking whilst I get some seeds popped...this’ll be auto flowers out in the back garden...I have what are supposed to be a blue dream auto...first time I tried a Sativa grow...there will be 6 as these are fems and 3 are for a friend who will receive them after they are in their final size pot...I’m trying this sort of super soil thing so that he hopefully won’t have to mess with nutes...I’ll teach him how to make teas to feed them and hopefully get the job done...after those three go away, I’ll prolly replace them for a later harvest...
So tell me what I’m leaving out and I’ll get some....thanks!
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Here's my endeavors for today
Morning OFC
It's dark - I'm high - Gonna be a good day - Had some face pain yesterday afternoon that got kinda vicious !- Now it's almost 5am and I'm up !-
Some of ya'll only go to church twice a year -- This one those days - Better get your oldass up !-- Being an outsider I get a little confused bout religion sometimes !- How dahell does a dam rabbit get into the holiday ?-- Painted eggs ?-
Dat chit is beyond me !-- I got Christmas worked out !- - I'm familiar with the old pagan celebrations- Tried to watch that movie The Passion - Couldn't finish - If I wanted to watch a "Snuff" film I don't want religion involved in it !
More Coffee ?-- Wake and Bake !
Hey Hollowpoint - What U doing up this early ?-- Personally I think they doing this Easter egg hunt stuff all wrong !- Put a gram of wax - shatter or something like that in it !- We got a whole new spin on the Easter egg -- Grown people out there hunting thier assoff -- That would be some the best people watching time U could get !-- Showing each other thier Gummies and other prizes !- I think I would enjoy watching more than hunting !-- It could even be done parade style like the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans - Where the float riders are tossing out beads and other trinkets - Weed treats ?--Be one hellova a parade !- Fine people watching!
I think it is a grand idea Nick - All sorts of weed treats in them eggs would keep them hunting - Only thing is they gonna all get high and get on the road for a little bumper car action -- I think it got to be done Mardi Gras style -- With the parade ending at an outdoor music venue festival or something !- So everybody get high and pass a good time !
good morning OFC,,,,happy easter ,,,,I thought yesterday was easter ,,,the boy woke up and started looking for eggs,,,,ran down to walgreens bought some easter stuff,,,my mother inlaw asked me why the boy was looking for eggs on sat.,,,,man did I fell stupid ,,,just one of the downfalls of having a pot head for a mom,,,,,anyway he has whole bunch of easter stuff ,,, were of to church have a safe easter every body
I heard it was against the law to work on Easter so the yard work got to wait !-Another toke or 2 and I'm off to tell some people they greatest fears and nightmares - Lay it all out in front of them in graphic detail !-- I'm a bad man !
Music ?-- Donavan - Started with Hurdy Gurdy Man -
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I heard it was against the law to work on Easter so the yard work got to wait !-Another toke or 2 and I'm off to tell some people they greatest fears and nightmares - Lay it all out in front of them in graphic detail !-- I'm a bad man !
Music ?-- Donavan - Started with Hurdy Gurdy Man -
That what we Like about you Sir Keef

Asked that little dog - Do U want a piece of bacon or some smoked CKN ?-- He said-- Yes !-- That's what I thought !-- Little windy at the beach and gonna be hot !--
Good morning OFC. Happy Easter. Rose are you cooking today? I might cook a meatloaf. RedEyes beautiful rich compost you made. Nick you got it going on. Keef you have some special little pals. Was windy here yesterday, It got in the 40's last night, today the sun is shining, nice morning for outside work. I'm not ready yet.
What U waiting on Ness ?- They plenty big to sex - Flip them lights to 12 /12 - Get the males out and they have enough room !- Wide leaves make me think maybe some of Waldo's chillins in there ?- Whatever there are U got it going on !
Sex them and don't be fixing something that ain't broke - Just keep doing what U do !
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