Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hello good people of OFC ! been busy as of late, but seems I haven't got much accomplished...lol
I did chop both the surf purps and jilly cross yesterday tho.... trichs were cloudy with amber through out
the ac/dc hemp is still growing for a few more weeks ??? depends on the trichs I guess ?
hey toolman, welcome to MP, yes Wilson is at my house. has been for 3 years now. all the cool kids are getting the flu. Nice to see you Earl.
Thank You Rose
Happy to be here, More Power Grrrerer.........................

Has anyone seen Gmail was taken over in a merger
I wonder what will happen with Gmail accounts, I think many many people use them.
Had 1 of those days, lol. Tested the CLO2 residual at a well. Need to meet title 22 CA clean water standards. No issues. Well within range and guidelines. Customer complains I did something to change readings. Insisted I falsified data. I had to document everything in front of State witnesses and I was right. I called my boss told him I wanted time off immediately to reevaluate my role in company. Then called my attorney.
I am a bit overly sensitive after being sued for $50,000,000 by a customer who claimed he was hurt by a piece of equipment I repaired. After 4 years of litigation he admitted he lied and made everything up for the money. My attitude now is, if you say something about me, be prepared to back it up in court. One of those days ...
Still wet at the beach -- Time for a pipe !-- Congrats RE !
I'm over the flu but still fighting something going on in my face -- Not sure if it's pollen or just the constant damp !

Yo Toolman -- Wilson was the name of Rose's beloved standard poodle !-- Might be a soft spot not to poke ?-- Just a heads up ! --
So U growing an unknown indica ?-- I'm relocating but I got some indicas too !-- at one time there was lots of seed passing thru my hands and I kept a share !-- Everything I got came to me thru the OFC or descended from stuff that did !-- Being in a prohibition state I grow inside --I'm a cloner and I run a 4 part rotation of mostly indica 60 day finishers -- I bred 3 or 4 boys to a mess of little girls and I'm still working out what I did !-- I'm kinda Snow Lotus heavy !--
Was that Earl ?-- What up Cuz !-- Still got that pink ?
I thought about it, not sure I'm cut out for the biz part. When the recreational laws were first proposed, there was a designated license for small specialty type growing. It was a cottage license. My County did away with it completely by requiring licenses be in Industrial designated areas. With that came astronomical rents in any of the areas designated by the County. To get a license, you had to have the space already. After NCH told me I wasn't a very good grower, I lost a lot of my confidence and any real desire to try. I have been told, I do not look like a grower. Not full sleeves with tats or latino, lol. More a nerd type, somebody's Dad kind of look. And nobody want to buy weed off somebody's Dad.

Hi Folks...been a while since I have been on. Started reading through the thread and came across this.

Lets get one thing straight first and foremost. I never said anything about Umbra's skills, because I am too nice. It was my buyer, along with my wife I must say. My wife was frustrated that I was spending a lot of time trying to help the guy out, but he just wasn't grasping the knowledge. At the end of the day, his herb just couldn't compete to what is being grown out here. It's a hard thing to hear for any grower and I understand about being butthurt. But what sells in NJ is far different from what sells in Cali. Umbra moved out here to compete in the cannabis market and to make money, plain and simple. The best thing my friend could have done was what he did, tell the man the truth. If he was just growing for himself, the criticism wouldn't have been so "blunt". All in all. we tried to help the man make money. It's like moving next to Budweiser and setting up a brewery thinking you are going to jump into the market and compete. Having a few friends tell you your product is great compared to a true marketplace are two different things. I've never met a grower who thinks their herb is mediocre, we all want to believe we grow the best. I guess we should have stroked his ego and told him he had the best around and that all the buyers were wrong.

So, I am not sure if I am pissed off about this or not.
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