Hey Glowman that's one pretty lady you got thereGood morning yall!
Boy, its starting to smell around here!
I may need to get a carbon filter after all!
Here's the culprit making all the fuss!
She's a Pennywise x V. I LOVE her scent but I'm afraid she's not very subtle. lol
When I was in 2nd grade, I told my best friend I had epilepsy. His mother called my mother. All I could hear was a one sided conversation, but I remember my Mother saying, " It's not contagious, its epilepsy not leprosy." … And this is my world.Ness -- CBD in Jelly beans ?-- We can do stuff like that !--
Get a good crop in and we'll teach U !-- We got wizards and such around here !-- Umbra make something called "Black Hash" -- Different from that old school black hash -- He presses extra hash oil into good hash !-- Make U walk in the spirit world !-- So I hear !
Edit :-- Get better Umbra !-- All these Dam COPD peeps-- I hope it ain't catching ?