Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I had to cut the grass and I worked up a sweat, lol. I have flowers blooming and a birds nest in my gazebo. Plum tree and orange tree are in full bloom
Yes it springtime...I went to the beach and though it’s nice here, I think it’s prolly nicer(warmer) at home...We’ll, I’ll be there soon enough so I’ll just enjoy this coast weather first...what do I have to complain about, I’m sitting in my camp chair in a tee shirt listening to music and smokin a doob as I see fit...(note to self, shut up and chill)happy st patties day ya’ll...
Warm and wet at the beach !-- and High !-- I have no problem smoking pot !-- Gloman -- Rose -- Do it like this !--Ack!-Ack !-- Want another hit ?-- I'm still crippling around - The face is getting better but the left arm is acting a fool !--I need a sling to carry it around !- Dam weed eater !-- I got a harness that puts the weight on my right shoulder but got a new weed eater and forgot to rig the harness - Now I remember why it's there !-- U got to adapt !-- I even been thinking about a grow I could run from a mobility chair !-- A mobility scooter with a blower and maybe a NOX kit -- with some racing slicks !-- Push the weight forward some so it wouldn't rear up when I dropped the hammer ?-- Just like on that street racing show !-- 65 mph !-- I could do that ?
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I been off nicotine for 2 days !-- I kinda want to shoot chit but I'm reformed !-- I want some dam crawfish too !
So If I had a big crawfish pot how hard would it be to make beer like ya'll do ?-I ask because I got one !
Don't be riding a bicycle at the beach -- Bicycles and Bikinis are not good for your health -- Don't believe me -- Ask that Dude got run over on his bicycle while that guy in the truck was watching that Bikini!-- It did not turn out well for the bicyclist !
The BPM (Bikinis Per Mile) scale seems to say we having a successful Spring Break !-- Still don't have a speed bump count and injuries !
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Good morning yall!
Boy, its starting to smell around here!
I may need to get a carbon filter after all!
Here's the culprit making all the fuss!
She's a Pennywise x V. I LOVE her scent but I'm afraid she's not very subtle. lol

Gloma that is a beauty. I hope my growing skill are better this time around. I'll be posting some picture soon.
Hey Ness !-- Plant them girlfriend !-- We'll have to chase U down some more seed -- Most of those BBSL crosses I sent U won't be that different in how they taste --That Snow Lotus dominates with that hashy -- kush taste best I can describe it !-- They all good though ! -- I think that SR 91 -x- (MZR-X-BBSL)--U did the test grow on gonna be a fine hash plant !-- Everybody need a good hash plant !
Anybody expect my indicas to be little short compact plants gonna be disappointed if they let them run !-- They get big !
Ness -- Texas got 63 Marijuana bills filed this year for consideration-- Any of them make it out committee it'll pass --the votes are there !-- Last 2 congress sessions they closed up before any mmj bill could get a vote !--They on them this time !--Bum rush them with every possibility and let them decide which one will work best !-- I'm watching !-- Am I gonna get a chance to be a legal grower or do I have to keep growing like it's 1999 ?
Keef, I sure hope they pass the bills. Everyone should be able to grow if they want to. I don't have any idea what's going on in GA. But, I did hear GA is one of the worst places to pass the law.
I turned up the music and me & momma was dancin on the beach...embarrassing ourselves good but there weren’t many people watching so I guess it was ok...We high anyway...
RE that's a good thing about getting old -- selective memory -- U remember when U and Mrs. RE was dancing on the beach ?-- The answer ?- --U must be mistaken !-- I do not recall that !-- If they got it on film just deny it !- That is not me !
I have been lying low here at the house for a few days. Its been sunny, that's good but its been cold too and that's bad. I haven't really had the ambition to go out and I really need to get some stuff done. Lets hope tomorrow is better. My copd is really givin me grief
Get well soon Nick !-- I should say get better soon cause COPD never really goes away - Just some days is better than others -- I know Umbra fights it too -- U too Gloman ? -- We could clear out a spot over there and put in one those Hookahs with some longass hoses ?-- For them that don't breath so well ! - Would that help ?
RIP Dick Dale!!! Can you believe I can’t post his name... becuz it rhymes with Rick....but starts with D...
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