Oh good, are you going to have a bit more room RE? Are you still in dirt? Do you have a journal that tells us what you are doing? I will look. Good to have an upgrade for you. I am getting to your seeds, i promise.
I was wondering how you were doing? Glad to see you posting. Thank you for all your efforts.:aok::aok:Hi peeps,
January is long, have you noticed? what is everyone doing? Keef, i hope you are ok, if your reading this.
Umbra, we got seeds! I need to sort them before i send yours. I planted some with some other strains a day or two ago, so we see if they are good before i send any out.
Mount Rainier was in all it's glory last weekend. So close felt i could touch it. A beautiful drive. I won't bother you with not so great parts.