wasn't the molester in chief bill clinton? the tidal wave of illegal immigrants that is hitting the border has overwhelmed the resources we as american taxpayers have paid for and made available. the man that made that crisis is probably george soros who is financing the march up until our border. then the burden is upon us. those in congress that feel most strongly that we should accept the invasion are the same people who voted against the $4.6 billion dollars in emergency aid to help care for these 'families'. if you feel that strongly, and it is obvious that you do, you should sell your house and give the money to these families or offer to house them in your home. i thought political bullspit was not acceptable on this forum but apparently it is...Don't forget what the Molester in Chief is doing to families and kids down here -- A Prisoner Of War is treated better !- We got a man made crisis down here and he the one responsible !--
fogey, i am not up on this new(er) stuff. would you please tell me what is mdma?It is not mine. Thanks though. It was in my sons room. I spoke with him about it. He said it was from a long time ago. It was supposed to be MDMA but he tested it somehow and said there was some nasty chemical in it so he didn’t use it.
got you keef. i know what you are saying.Decree I ain't real good at rules and laws !-- My plane my field - My rules !-- Screw U !-- Not U decree -U know what I mean !- U don't need a license for an ultralight - airports got rules and such so I'll just stay away -- A ground school would be a good thing --
I don't dare have one down here this close to the border --
They strap a drop basket on the bottom-- dart across the border from Mexico - do a bombing run on the intended and make it rain kilo bricks !--Dart right back into Mexico without landing ! --5 to 10 minutes in US airspace and gone !-- What they gonna do shoot them down ?
it's a pure form of ecstasy. no up or down added.fogey, i am not up on this new(er) stuff. would you please tell me what is mdma?