Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I have a nephew who is an addict. I had him over for a few days last year doing odd jobs to help him make some money.
I had a bottle of very strong pain pills that disappeared from my medicine cabinet. Addicts will lie and steal even from their loved ones for drugs. Oh well, I never took those pain pills anyways. So sad.

You have a heart of gold Rose. I hope your influence can help this poor Lady.
Sounds right -- It helps to potentiate the narcotic - helps the patient rest too !--

Hey Nick- I missed your post !-- That's about what I'm gonna be looking for -- I just think I can find something like that over in woods of East Texas-- I'm trying to get out of here !- Sometimes U just can't get there from here right now -- D.D. my ex been sick lately ---I told them it sounded like a Voodoo curse to me ?--
I lost most of a decade to a morphine addiction and any one of U could be a junkie too !-- After the physical addiction sets in -- It's not so much about getting high anymore - It's trying to not get dope sick - After a period without a dose maybe 12 hours max -- Ole cold turkey comes to visit - longer U go without a dose the sicker U get !
I can't say withdrawals are like this or that - U can't imagine how bad it can get --ain't nothing else like it !-- Junkie live in fear of running out !-- Some are driven to do all sorts of chit just to keep from getting sick ! --
Ok, she is home here in bed asleep with atarax and her pain meds on board. She had two hits of Umbras BBP and BP. He went to the pharmacy to get her every 12 hour pain meds. I am hoping she can do without them tomorrow.Oh, it was only a umbilical hernia, her incision is about an inch. So much better than what i thought. Thanks guys for listening.
Umbilical hernia ?-- That's an easy one !- She'll be up and around in a few days !-- Wrap that Ace around her belly snug -- U got this !- Get her out of bed tomorrow for long as she can stand it .

Edit : -- I don't want to sound like a hardass but Rose probably had more pain with that dental implant than this girl will have with this hernia -- Umbilical hernia is a simple operation and recovery is quick !
She got cut she will be sore-- U can't imagine how big we can stretch an incision that will bruise chit up and hurt some but there were no major muscles or bone involved -
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I have a hiatal hernia. I will probably never get surgery, lol. I hated it when I eat something and it doesn't quite go in my stomach. Not stuck in my throat, but not quite in the stomach either. It's happened on a date, out to dinner and I'll have to go in the bathroom. Either the food will go in the stomach, or I'll have to throw it up.
Them are a pain in da ass to fix !-- I would have thought they would have found a way to fix them through a scope by now -- We used to have to open up the whole belly just to see what to do - Diaphragm separates the chest from the belly -- Esophagus passes thru it to the stomach -- A weakness in the diaphram around the Esophagus allows the stomach to push through a little sometimes -- We have to go in and tighten the opening up so that don't happen - I do not miss surgery !--
I'm trying to stretch it but I think it's time for a dose of that Coconut oil extract -- With the storm coming my face is expressing it's displeasure wit da situation !-- I better get medicated before it start acting a fool !
Hey OFC!
I had my mom move in a while back. She was homeless and has lost everything she owned. I think dementia is setting in on her. Her grandmas had the alzheimers. I guess I have to have her probated through the courts. This is hard. I can't take care of her and twin babies. I'm broken out in hives! Please Jeebus take teh wheel!!
It seems like every day is a new problem lately. This gonna set off my depression for sure.
Sorry to dump this chit on you guys but Im glad there's someone away from the situation to talk at!
Sorry Nov !--
Another job for RSO -
THC/CBD helps protect brain cells and can slow or stop the progression of Dementia and Alzhiemers -- Regular oral doses - 3 times a day !-

Edit :-- It don't have to be the mega doses of RSO for cancer -- The cannacaps or even this coconut oil extract should be enough -- U probably gonna need it as much as her !-- It'll help keep U centered and keep da depression from taking over !
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Let me 'splain about Alzhiemers best I can -- At the microscopic level there are connections between brain cells -- There is a type of plague that can build up around that connection until the connection is lost -- THC retards the growth of that plague - may even dissolve it away !
Since they seem to work better together everywhere else I assume adding CBD would help even more !--
Hey OFC!
I had my mom move in a while back. She was homeless and has lost everything she owned. I think dementia is setting in on her. Her grandmas had the alzheimers. I guess I have to have her probated through the courts. This is hard. I can't take care of her and twin babies. I'm broken out in hives! Please Jeebus take teh wheel!!
It seems like every day is a new problem lately. This gonna set off my depression for sure.
Sorry to dump this chit on you guys but Im glad there's someone away from the situation to talk at!
I had the hives thing from stress when I was married. I was using a bottle of calamine lotion a day. Went to the Dr., lol. He asked if I was stressed in any way. So I told him about the wife being bi polar with psychotic and melancholy features, new baby, bills, job, new house I couldn't afford, my mother dying of pancreatic cancer and a long list of life's little set backs. He put me on cortisol and hives went away. Inching stopped in 20 minutes. But he told me it could all come back again and again if I let stuff stress me. No worries now, lol.
Sorry Nov !--
Another job for RSO -
THC/CBD helps protect brain cells and can slow or stop the progression of Dementia and Alzhiemers -- Regular oral doses - 3 times a day !-

Edit :-- It don't have to be the mega doses of RSO for cancer -- The cannacaps or even this coconut oil extract should be enough -- U probably gonna need it as much as her !-- It'll help keep U centered and keep da depression from taking over !

I tried to give her a dose of oil. It made her vomit relentlessly. Maybe I od'd her but i dont think it was that serious of a dose. Like a tablespoon. I hate to do it but she gots to go. I gotta choose my sanity. MAybe I can her bunked up with my mother in law.
Lawd I just wanna grow bud. Please just let me grow the herb!
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