Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Since it had been a week after it burst, they couldn't do it laparoscopically. It was septic so they had to go in and clean it out. Took part of my intestine also because of the gangrene had spread.
4th of July coming - I can tell because they out there setting off fire crackers and chit at the beach -- I have to fight back the urge to shoot back !-- When the wind is right the bottle rockets go up and rain down on the dunes full of dry grass and the hood !-- That sounded like a mortar !- I don't like it and neither does my dogs !-- I might have to dip a doggie treat into my Coconut oil tincture for them -get me some more too !- Wait I got benadryl!-- I knock theyass out ! -

- Incoming !!!!!
Where's my potato gun ?-- I might be able to reach them from the back yard ?-- I got starting fluid !- I could reach them -- I ain't doing it !-- I can see my picture on front the newspaper now --- Notorious Potato Gun Killer Captured ! -- I don't want to go down and be remembered like that !-- Maybe another toke ?
Good Morning Everyone....Thunder storms and a few spin up tornadoes this morning, got lucky here power failed for about 5 minutes and the computer rerouted and it came back on....but it left over 3000 in the dark in this county alone. Yep 4th of July is slipping on up...the fireworks stands are up already....biggest holiday of the year for them I guess. Hey Keef...I think I saw you with your potato gun going by lol...give em Hell Army! Got some mataro blue and coffee...I'm grinning!

Morning OFC !-- I be ready for them tonight !
It ain't artillery but I need a bipod for my potato gun -- To load a potato or other projectile is rammed down the barrel to the stop - It'll cut potato to fit the barrel -- The cap on the big end is unscrewed and ether or other fuel is sprayed inside and the cap replaced -- That red button is the igniter for a gas grill -- U push the button a spark make that ether explode -- potato or other projectile shoot out the barrel an go long ways !


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Good morning everyone. I been bummed, no porch. Harley has a problem and I need help. He has fleas and I can't get rid of 'em. I been going nuts trying to get rid of 'em and nothing has worked. Any suggestions?
When I had my last dog Daisey, she had the long hairs, we would dunno dish soap on her and rub it all over. Then we would hit her with the hose and lather her up. I think that kills the living ones. Then we'd comb the eggs out. Pet stores have those drops you can put behind their heads that always worked for us. We'd wash all her bedding too. She use to live to hunt snakes. She'd be into good knows what half the time looking for a little green snake...
Good morning everyone. I been bummed, no porch. Harley has a problem and I need help. He has fleas and I can't get rid of 'em. I been going nuts trying to get rid of 'em and nothing has worked. Any suggestions?

best place you may want to start with nick is a flea bath. you can also get a monthly pill from the vet. works very well to keep the fleas and ticks at bay
I'm getting a better picture of what I got to work with in East Texas -- 2 bedroom Mobile home - He's trying to grow in there without AC - Probably gets over 100 in there -- He's about 3 weeks from finish - They could look better !-- I'm bringing a window AC and 8-10 more LEDS --From what I can see should be able to put about 20 -25 plants in that room where he's blooming -- My thought is to flip that space back to 18/6 and start maybe 6 seed from maybe 6-7 varieties --
Grow them up big enough to sex in that space -- I can have another space ready by then -- Set it up as veg and clone those girls - After that he can do a whole room grow or some kind of rotation !--
Just thinking out loud--
I should be over there in 1-2 weeks --
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Good morning all,
Do you ever just want to go thru your house and get rid of stuff. If i have a patient coming over i better clean up the guest room. I have a couple of weeks and it isn't that bad. Another beautiful day here. remind me of this when i am complaining in july and aug.
Keef, i wish you the very best mojo for your east T move.
We had a hawk last week too. I don't think he got one though. We have babies in all the birdhouses. the second clutch of the summer.
Bud is spraying doctor zymes... Umbra, where do we order bugs from?
Hi OFC! I think I was sleep typing earlier. I barely remember it. Daisey did love to hunt snakes. We'd find them all over the house.
So the 4x8 became a 5x5. I don't have room for it. It's more space than I imagined when ordering. Hopefully we find a new place soon so I can just build a room.
Good afternoon Friends

It is another beautiful day!

I am wondering if it is too late to put a couple more Indicas outside... I am driving into civilization today and the dispensary in Sonora has "Purple Punch" clones in stock. ha ha

Keef: You will feel better about things once you get your grow set up. It will be awesome I am sure.

Have a great day OFC!
I still have 3 in my shop that are close to done. My grow tent down there is empty now. I may cut lower branches on these to make clones. I can't make up my mind about that yet. The empty grow tent is weighing on my mind and once those 3 finish in the small grow area I won't have any plants in my shop.banjo 2.JPG my girls.JPG
The dehumidifier arrived. We got a Frigidaire with the pump. It's kinda loud, but no louder than any of the other fans. I know I saw someone ask this before but I don't remember the answer. Can you use the water from the bucket in the garden?
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