Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Thanks Nov - I got some research to do -- You're right I do have the climate to finish a sativa - No doubt !- Mexico is right over there !--Around here November is probably outside harvest time -- I'm an indoor indica farmer I don't know so much about sativas -- I got some indicas that would work I just think an outside sativa might be desirable-- I don't know though I think I read somewhere that Mexico was gonna legalize weed in October -- In My mind if they gonna be concentrating on the border that'll mean there's not as many looking for growers !- Maybe I could slide in a big sativa harvest ?--Don't mean I won't be running my indicas inside !-- Buy me some them nice lights like Umbra got !
I love sativa. It's hard to find a pure one too. At least around here. Everything is hybrids. If I had the climate I'd have some outside somewhere. They'd never finish up here without some indica mixed in. Frost would probably get them. I'm looking forward to growing some out myself indoors. I can't wait to have my own personal dispensary lol.
mail order. Even in a legal state, few folks are within driving range of the lab. They have different test for different amounts. But roughly $40 per sample. Rose has done it.
When I got vape carts at dispensary, got a new battery. Uses magnets. Hits so much better than old battery. Doing super lemon haze.
I have plenty of 16 week sativas, lol. That's 2 8 week crops, so not much being done with them yet.
Here let me hit that real quick Umbra !--Like I need a toke ?
The weed eater made my left arm feel like it's quivering and the neck was tightening up so I took a large dose of that tincture -- Got a load of dishes and a load of laundry washed today - Now I'm done !--Found my pipe !-- Probably too lit to be doing much anyway ?-- I need to quit taking so much tincture - It sure makes life a lot easier though !- I have to pay a price in pain for doing some stuff -- The tincture make it more affordable !-- More CBD and I could get the relief without drooling !
LOL, not sure yet. It may take a few more sessions to decide. I had to run some comparisons. Bought an 1/8th of Key lime pie to run against my cut. Real close. I'll give it to Elyon brand as the winner, but real close. Had to run against NCH, lol just to see. His Mochi against BoC. Hmmm, they're different so a bit harder. I'll leave this one for others to decide. Depending on what you are looking for, either could win.
It's a shame I can't see the future !-- If I could I woulda invested in chain link fence companies -- They doing some good business building these border concentration camps and I woulda invested in prison for profit companies --
With the war on weed still in full force in Texas plus the camps have to be staffed -Prisons be full - Gonna need more !-- Some good money to be made -On the misery of others - If U got no soul !
Good Morning All....Thunder storms rumbling by this morning. Boy....the things ya'll have in legal states, I would not even know how to use most of those products...but I am willing to learn lol. Got some GDP burning in the bong and unfortunately my coffee cup is dry...hit my limit. Peace

Morning OFC! How's are you today? I hope you're well! I'm well. For now at least haha.
Even at 16 weeks I'd be leery Umbra. They early rains are horrible and last until they feel like it. I'm right on a great lake, weather can be finicky here. The saying goes, wait 15 minutes, the weather will change.
I have a concoction of concentrates this morning. Covering all my bases and hopefully passing bback out.
Good morning y'all!
Well, my crop is failing horribly.
I've tried everything I know, so I'm gonna cut em all down and try again another time.
I think it has more to do with the bad juju around here lately.
Life is getting very complicated caring for my elderly aunt and pressures are high. (not in a good way)
Hope y'all have a great day.
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