I don't need a computer just timers and pumps - A 4 part rotation of 60 day finishers means something get harvested and more go to bloom every 2 weeks -- So I'm working on getting things on auto pilot for 2 weeks in a row !-- Shouldn't be a problem -- but a timer could burn out or a pump could quit at anytime !-- I'm working out the details of my geriatric grow system !-- No shovels allowed !-- I may not always be spry as a spring chicken ! -
I'll definitely be needing one them Hershey Bar plants !-- The chocolate on the blueberry is just a mystery terp search -- Hey Umbra can I assume the grape will be called --BOG-? - Box of Grape ?-- Them seed old enough to germ yet ?-- U a better man than me !-- I'd probably be in jail trying to explain how I got a head injury and it ain't my fault ! --I hit him with what ?- I do not remember that !-- U need to take an X-ray of my head -- -You'll see !-- Bat Chit crazy !- That's what the doc said !
Soooo, saw a Facebook post a moment ago and I have to wonder. Do men not rate one day of our own? Post went "Happy father's day and thanks to all the single mothers out there.
I'll take a dollars worth !-- Dam Umbra !-- It's a lot easier to breed them than go thru the seed looking for that extraordinary girl that U know will be there ! - With that forced diversity U know it will take several girls to find it !
Then again when U got genetics like that the problem is trying to decide which keeper U will keep from the keepers !-- It's not like potency will be a problem - I know all about the Umbra Frost - It will be down to the terp profile !
I would probably move somewhere else if I was not married...my wife has one son and cannot get far away from him...I have three kids who all live here in Cali though not in the same place...if I was single, I’d move back to where I became an adult...I still have friends there and it sort of central to my kids...still in Cali though but rural in the valley...that would be Glenn County if you interested...nothing there for me other than friends...but it’s also close to the Sierra Nevada Cali brewery and lots of live music...I visited the NC version of Sierra Nevada and while it is nice, I prefer the Chico big room for music...
I am starting some new seeds today as well...I got some acdc cbd recently and though I already have the legal grow limit for my area...I can’t wait till the current grow it finished... hey it’s just some high cbd, low thc weed, hardly qualifies and pot dontcha think...I’m hoping for some really good cbd that I can mix with my thc to dial in exactly what I want...
RE --I think they just use plant limits as a guideline - We won't tell !
Nick and Zig both over the limit too !-- I would be if I had a grow !- We live in states with very low legal plant limits !
I can feel U about making meds just the way U want !-- I'm have to have more CBD - I like a good buzz but when I'm hurting pretty bad I almost get too melted controlling the pain with mostly THC -- I got a good idea what I want !--
AC/DC ?- --Ain't that Charlotte's Web under a different name ?-- I'd Like me some Charlotte's Web !
Nick, yes your get your own day. women already have a day. Bud requested meatloaf potatoes and corn. easy.
I did it in the instant pot, and those things are really awesome, you guys should look into them. So i sliced potatoes real think put some water in the pot and a rack and the meat loaf, took 25 min and the potatoes were cooked in the meatloaf grease. oh man. Wish you were here Nick.
I have an acdc/hemp growing is a pot. 3 of them. They look happy.
I need to dig out that Cajun Meatloaf recipe - I been wanting some Meatloaf lately !- Half ground beef - Half ground pork - Some Cajun spices - I can rock a Meatloaf !
Rose I might need one the cookers of which U speak ! - It's not so easy cooking for one - I tend to put half in the freezer for another time when I cook !
Umbra, I can't let my grow go for more'n 3 days or bad things happen. You would think people could follow simple directions. I been thinking of getting a bathroom scale and teaching the help to weigh the buckets every day at a certain time. I feel your pain!
Post that pot Lady, I am always up for a new gadget. Can't help it, I sometimes think it is sinful to be a man these days. I was a single parent to 2 kids who both turned out great and as a result I always had a respect for single mothers but dang, you deal with the cards you are dealt with or you don't. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Social media is getting way out of hand these days.
Everything on the Internet ain't bad !- Take them "Deep Fakes"-- In the future U can have film of me doing bad chit but it won't faze me a bit !-- It was a deep fake !-It wasn't me !--Just because U got it on film don't mean chit anymore !-- Give a whole new twist to -- Who U gonna believe ?- Me or your lyingass eyes ?--
U should have heard what they had Trump saying !-- Wait !- That was for real?- It wasn't a deep fake ?-- Dam !-- He bold !
Hey Nick when does our biplane kit come in ?-- Ever since I did an ultralight search they been showing up on my feed !-- I think U changed my mind !- Instead of ultra light -- I think I like the ones they call "light air planes" !-- They not near as expensive as I thought !--
Note to self :-- Plan an "Airplane Grow "!-- I'm need a 2 seater !
Sitting in the garden havin a smoke and a brew...the other day we went to a dispensary for the 1st time and they gave us a couple of pre-rolls for a penny as a 1st time visitor...so I’m smokin on something called “nightmare cookies”...it works...
We went down and sat by the side of the American River this afternoon and just watched it float by while listening to some tunes on the pod...Not a bad way to spend dads day...happy day all fellow dads...!