Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning OFC

I have a 2000watt LED over 4 of them and a 1000 watt over two of them in my tent.

One of my Grandfathers brothers is still alive. He is a Pearl Harbor survivor. My Grandmothers brother served in the Marines in WWII. I always wanted them to tell me war stories as a little kid. I had a buddie who did two tours in Vietnam as an Army Ranger. He never spoke much about it. I am glad today they never talked of war. I am glad they did not visit that horror into my mind. We can only imagine what our veterans have sacrificed for us.
My mom married 3 times. 2 of my step dad were in Nam. 1 was a helo mechanic and the other was an Airborne Ranger, he withstood both Tet offensives! I saw his paperwork after he died.Man never told a lie about his duty .It seems the 101 is cursed. All my uncles served in Nam except my moms oldest brother. My father didn't serve as he was the oldest son too. He sat in prison many times. He's been good since I was about 15 tho.
I heard stories from the time I was old enough to shoot... I was told they learned war so I could learn to live with out it. That crap didn't pan out. As soon as my generation was old enough we went to the sand box instead of the jungle.
I wish people would realize things don't have to be the way they have always been.
Thanks Nov, that was me...I just watered them well and left them sitting in a big tray of their runoff...we came home early from our trip and all was just fine...they will be moving outside soon where I can auto water them easily between tea feedings...
right on, I just remembered someone was looking. I couldn't remember if it was B1 or you tho. I think I may order some myself. They look kinda nifty and they may be useful lol
they're still going strong Rose? They made it back from Tennessee or was it Kentucky? It's always good to hear when folks get above those problems. Lots of times it motivates me to keep clean.
I'm sorry I dumped my problems and emotions on you guys. Didn't mean to really but it just came out. I appreciate you all not yelling at me about it lol and I hope I didn't ruin anyone's mood.
I miss Keef! I hope he's alright.
Novi, the kids are 90 days clean tomorrow. They are doing very well. They did go back to TN and hopefully they are done. She got probation but she is ok doing that here. They are so honest and funny and kinda delightful. Her hands are all broken up looking and i was feeling sorry for her having my diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The man laughed and said she hurt her hands in assaults FIVE times. His was postponed but he doesn't have to go back next time. He is expecting some time. We will see. No offence to anyone living in the south, man! What a horrible place they came from. I am sure there are places like that here, but yuck y'all.
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