Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Made it home and the dust is here. They called them termination winds in the 40s when this place was settled more. Those roses were horrible. Just one that was 15 feet tall and that wide and it looked alive but it wasn't and i didn't figure that out until hours. The halfway house ladies were appreciative. They told me there were more in the back I said maybe another day. They had never been pruned. I just am really enjoying these kids. (adults) I talked with the man's mom today for the first time. She cried when i told her he was a huge help with the roses today and he was a good guy. she said she hadn't seen him in a good way since he was 12. She cried. I felt like crap. It must have been ugly as she said she doesn't miss him. He was on opiods and went to prison for selling.
Thanks for listening. ( like you folks had a choice). Ziggy did you just call us old? love
Well damn. Was I stoned when I bought my Black Magic soil from Home Depot. I thought it was just coco noir and peat moss. It turns out it has a lot more stuff that adds nitrogen to the soil. lol
I hope a good flush and some flowering fertilizer will help.

Keef: The Rodeo events could be fun. The rodeo will suck. Those poor animals. I used to go sometimes when I was a kid. The music might not be too bad. Country Music is not what it used to be thank goodness.

Rose: It sounds like you are doing a lot to help those that need it. You rock.
Roses that have never been pruned? I will bet you wish you had a chainsaw on those.
Burnin1 --I still don't like the music !-- Poor animals ? - that changed too !- U own bucking Bulls worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each - U ain't letting people abuse them !- The Bulls and broncos know it's show time - They get all worked up waiting thier turn in the spotlight!- Those are top level athletes !-- They retire and are worth tons for stud service !-- I wish that was my retirement ?

Had good intentions but my face started puffing up slowly this morning - Getting kind of brutal now !- Time to get the heat pack out !
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We here at the rodeo right now...I don’t see no animals being abused...just doin the things that happen on ranches, sept maybe the bull riding but I think these bulls don’t mind throwing cowboys off their backs...
And lots of bikini clad riders doin tricks so far...These kids getting ready for some mutton bustin!!!Ride them sheep!!!
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Keef U old and crippled why don't U just cruise awhile and let someone else fight this fight ?-Because I can't !-- I ain't like that !-- Once I held my right hand up and took an oath to this country !- I ain't going back on that oath !- My country is under threat !- So I fight anyway I can !- It ain't much but it's all I can do for now !-- It'll be over when it's over !- or I'm dead !- I hope it don't turn into a shooting fight but if it does ?- Ole Keef be slinging lead good as anyone else ! --Plus he got a hellbox and know how to use it !- I ain't heard no fat lady sing yet ?
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Cowboy action...pay attention, it’s Over quick...
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Hey keef, I saw him back in the 90’s at the San Jose blues festival...this guitar was brand new then and he’s just about getting it broken in...
Love me some Tab !-- If I could play guitar I'd do like him !
I pull up him recorded live at Callahan's when I'm in the mood !- That bass player can drive a beat too !
New Orleans Ladies ! - Now look what U did RE ?-
From Bourbon Street to Esplanade - ?-- I got a special attachment to Esplanade - One the bumpiest streets around and they rode me from the hospital where I fell down Esplanade to the workers comp. Clinic while I tried to hold my face together and keep from fainting -- Espalnade be BURNT into my memory - To the clinic and back in a cargo van with no shocks - Felt the bones grinding together at every bump !- Once wasn't enough I had to go back !- When we got back to the hospital they told me I was too tore up to drive - The van would take me home !-I got my keys !- Then I had to pull my butterfly knife and make them get dahell out my way--I felt I was fighting for my life - and I was scared !-- - I needed help and I wasn't getting it there !- So I ran away from the hospital to get medical care - That'll put a mind flock on U !- Then have to go back into that place of woe and submit to them so they bolt my face back together !- It was pretty deformed !- It would be 6 months before they discovered the 3 bulged disc in my neck !- Twilight Zone got nothing on my reality !
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Sounded like I was blaming RE for bringing up one my bad days - It ain't like that !- That road may be burnt into my mind but I still like the music -- I'm fine !- I'm not having a PTSD flashback or anything - My face still a little puffy but it's easing up !-
Good night all !
Morning OFC. I made it safe and sound under the cover of rain. After my last trip with the ticket I was not looking forward to going back.What a trip tho. Favorite place is out of the reason they're my favorite. 2nd place seemed real sketchy, I just didn't feel welcome, so I left. So the 3rd place is where it all made sense. The young guy who was my budtender was why I ended up there. He was awesome, he knew his stuff and he really helped me make some decent choices. At the end I had overpaid him $1. He told me I had overpaid and then mentioned he was allowed to take tips if that's what I intended, so I said yeah man, here, thanks! He was very gracious over that dollar. It was the last one he needed for his bus pass :)
Good morning OFC. Working this morning. Replacing an injection quill at a well and today is the only day they can shut down all 3 wells at the same time. Relatively short window to work and make new connections. I only get 1/2 hr to do everything, lol.
I'm go to a weed store one day !- Just to say I been to one !--
I can make probably anything they sell ?- Or I know somebody who do -- The weed ?- Not so much interested in thier weed -- Unless it can stand toe to toe with what I got !--
Yesterday I said something about a bull doing a Mexican tap dance on U once U on the ground at the rodeo ?- I saw it play out on the news last night !-- Bull cornered that cowboy and tore him a new one !- All the Bulls was high 5-ing him back in the pen !- He was reenacting it for them and all !- He was a proud bull !
I'm go to a weed store one day !- Just to say I been to one !--
I can make probably anything they sell ?- Or I know somebody who do -- The weed ?- Not so much interested in thier weed -- Unless it can stand toe to toe with what I got !--
Yesterday I said something about a bull doing a Mexican tap dance on U once U on the ground at the rodeo ?- I saw it play out on the news last night !-- Bull cornered that cowboy and tore him a new one !- All the Bulls was high 5-ing him back in the pen !- He was reenacting it for them and all !- He was a proud bull !

The weed store is always my favorite shopping experience. I haven't bought flower from a shop since my 1st time in. I look of course, I don't buy tho. I done pushed my tolerance so high flower buzz don't last long at all.I'm there for the concentrates. That's a pretty cool thing to be able to say Keef! I'm just gonna follow all yalls lead on that if you don't mind.
I plan to just press my home grown flowers into rosin.
I went to a rodeo in Denver when I was 16. No one got gored or hurt. One guy got tossed real good tho. The barrel racing is what caught my interest. I wish Ohio had real rodeo's lol.
Nov - U need to be on a regular edible dose - Cannacaps seems easiest to make to me or U can always make a potent oil extract - ( making dat chit make me way too high !- More than once I've looked around and realized I'm sitting on the floor in the kitchen licking the oil off my fingers and the bowl --Stupid look on my face- Do that walk I call the crab walk - Three points of contact- Feet on the ground and holding on to something while U navigate the room---- It's a different buzz from smoking-- I like my smoke but if I had to choose it would be edible -- I decarb some weed - run it thru that screen wire basket to powder it - pack those big 00 gel caps full as I can - take 4 -5 if I want -( that would not be a dose for a novice )-- It's nice when I can mix high THC and high CBD -In caps - more pain ?- more CBD - More "head" - more THC -- I don't care what your tolerance is -- I can put U down !
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Listening to Bad Company this morning - trying to remember what that other band was that Paul Rodgers was in without looking it up !
Nov - So I was right to think young users would prefer concentrates ?- Get U that Rosen Press- I'm convinced Texas gonna like vape pen hash oil cartridges and I want to fill the carts for them !- It cost more but take a look at a -"Simply C"- Super -Critical - CO2 extractor - for a conisour?-- All the terps will still be in the extract -!
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