Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning all, It is raining here and i am so glad. this body is complaining about pruning roses. So i take a break from that. Maybe be nice in the afternoon. I love being out there and i don't hurt as bad as i did at 40 so thank you cannabis. There is this nasty mold over everything. I have never seen it before.. IT won't wash off you have to scrape it. YUCK.
You guys, i have a secret. My grow has nice nugs at 6 weeks but there are no leaves on a few plants. I don't know if i burnt them, which i didn't think you could do w/organics. Too close to led's but it is bright yellow in there. No i am not taking a pic, i want no evidence. But they are healthy and growing new leaves to help. The worst looking grow, no, next to the worst.
Good morning all, It is raining here and i am so glad. this body is complaining about pruning roses. So i take a break from that. Maybe be nice in the afternoon. I love being out there and i don't hurt as bad as i did at 40 so thank you cannabis. There is this nasty mold over everything. I have never seen it before.. IT won't wash off you have to scrape it. YUCK.
You guys, i have a secret. My grow has nice nugs at 6 weeks but there are no leaves on a few plants. I don't know if i burnt them, which i didn't think you could do w/organics. Too close to led's but it is bright yellow in there. No i am not taking a pic, i want no evidence. But they are healthy and growing new leaves to help. The worst looking grow, no, next to the worst.
Nice nugs though right? My newest grow has some weird looking leaves also. Could be from overcrowding...next grow only 4 plants in my box...Someday I’d like to grow in a room where I could just walk in a sit with the plants instead of this little cabinet B$ that I got going...
Any day now spring is gonna jump all over us...Can’t wait, I got so much to do out there but I just don’t get motivated by cool grey days...they’re saying 72* tomorrow but I’ve heard’m say that before...
Hope y’all have a great day where ever you are!!!
Morning OFC -- It is still morning somewhere right ?-- Storms building -- Kinda crippled in the face but I been worse !
Rose I don't know so much about sativas -- I'm paying attention though because one day maybe I put something outside down here and I want to know where to start --
Bruce Banner #3 ?-- With some Gorilla Glue in it ?--
Ness and Gloman working some of these indicas for me -- Help me thin down the selection and find the best I can !
Gloman I see U got that SR91- x- ( MZR-X-BBSL) -- SR91 was fine on her own -- Sangarara Reserve-x- 91Dragons -- Mazar-i-Sharif was fine on it's own - A giant indica used to make Lebonese blond hash for centuries and the BBSL upgrades everything it touched -- So we upgraded -Mazar-i-Sharif with the BBSL and bred it to SR91 -- All indica from every direction -- I have High Hopes for that one !-- but the BBSL didn't throw any scrubs !--
I hear ya RE, the 60s to 90s have happened before huh. My tri-color beech is starting to unfurl her pretty leaves. they are pink and white. it is 40 something here. I know lets smoke pot. I wish you could turn your bathroom into a grow. I love sitting in there with them. I even took a bath with them last night, a bath bomb from Ston loc that relaxes you into oblivion. Have a good day and i hope the family stress has lessened.
Good morning everyone. Beautiful day here in the mountain state, Sunny and 65, buds on the trees and Easter flowers popping up all over. My garden didn't miss a beat with the re-potting but my clones are not looking so hot. My initial opinion of honey as a cloning agent is this, some things are better left to clonex.
Hey Nick -- How long till U can set back up at home ?-- This ain't no way to grow Cuz !-- As for rooting-- I just take a cutting stick it into an empty hole in an aero cloner and forget about it --Got nute water in the box -- I always take more cuts than I needed too -- I pull them out the box and look at how they developing -- I see white bumps growing on those cuttings stems -- We bout to pop some roots any day !- How well is the roots established -- Take it out and look !--
Good afternoon OFC

The hills are orange with California poppies around here. I love this time of year. The orange hills will be streaked with purple once the lupines start blooming. I love driving these backroads and taking in the green hills and the flowers. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons.

Sour Diesel is my favorite Sativa Rose. I don't grow it anymore though. It takes forever to finish flowering and it stinks really bad. But, no couch lock. Great to smoke in the day time when you have stuff to do. I feel very active smoking SD, but do not want to sleep when I am high on it. lol

I have a buddy I have known about 30 years who had weed growing in his master bathroom. lol Even under the sink. He at one time was growing hundreds of clones. He set a light up under the sink, and in the bathroom closet. I think he had clones in just about every space he could find in his house and under his house. He took the clothes out of his master bedroom closets and even put clones in there. lol
One of his past girlfriends he moved in made him get rid of the clones in the house and he no longer grows clones.

Have a great day you awesome people!
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RE -- For the bat cave grow -- I probably end up in a 3 bedroom non descript house something plain that doesn't draw any attention -- 1 bedroom to sleep in -- 1 bedroom for Veg and one for bloom -I still gotta perfect the various extraction processes and get proficient at making product -- From Gummies to hash oil e-cig cartridges - Then when prohibition ends I can go right into a modest commercial grow !

Edit :
Burnin1 --Maybe he shoulda got rid of the girl friend instead ?
The cards say it will be maybe 50 miles south or southeast of the out skirts of Austin -- I think Austin need my weed ?-- Just seems right !-- but I'm flexible - I'm not real excited about going to help the nephew get set up and growing -- He works too much and I don't think he got the time for a grow !-- Rather just set my chit back up somewhere I be for awhile -- I know !-- I'm impatient!-- Probably a good thing I am shutdown with what I been doing and prohibition balancing on a razor !--There is most definitely a time to be still and wait -- I'm just not very good at that !-- I got an idea !-- Why don't we do it right now?
I been lost in some CSN and sometime Y today-- Neil Young scare me when he gets lost in-- All along the Watchtower--
the guitar solo ?-- What is going on in that mind ?-- I want that to happen to me !
High ?-- Who me ?-- Chit don't 'fect me none !
(AK48 -x- BBSL )--x- BPU-X-BB - 2 dominate terp profiles -- There can be only one ! -- The Blue Berry run deep in BB and breaking that hash like Snow Lotus profile gonna be hard in that AK cross -- Something got to give !-- I'm looking for sparks that ain't like either !--I have a dream of a set of full sisters that are way way different from each other - Not worried about potency-- Ain't like the genetics came from the five and dime store ?

U know that thing about having to stand still sometimes and let's the waves wash over U-- before U rise up again ?-- I said I wasn't good at it ?---Since we decided to sell this place the property values have risen 18 % -- Soon -- Soon !
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I better wrote dat down !-- Take forever to finish !-- Probably so fine it's worth it ?-- Drag me some 6 footers of something like that outback early in the spring -- So big they barely fit out the door --put them in some jacked up compost ?-- I knows some people keep me on the straight and narrow -- If they only let me have like 6 plants they gonna be big ones ! -- U ain't finding the rest !
Where my Dam pencil ?-- That one want to come to Texas - U can see it !-- It's obvious !-- I could spend me some money up in here !
Evening OFC. Keef, I would think about setting up your grow. There might be a problem when you go to take it back to your new house. Family can be funny. Well, mine is. Can't say about yours. You'll fine a place for the good. Thing just happen that way.
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