What's so hard about growing weed ?-- Throw some seed in the dirt and a couple weeks later up comes manicured jar aged bud --already in the jar !-- Nothing to it !
Top is GDPx. Next is mango x blackrose x apricot head. Then grape pearl and that sativa giant is BPUxOnly 2 real variables in growing weed -- Nature (genetics) and Nurture- ( the environment U provide )-- If the genetics aren't there they ain't coming out no matter how good your environment is -- U got the best genetics in the world and a lousy environment U not getting all the plant has to offer !--
U got the genetics and the environment like Umbra got !-- BAM !-- There it is !-- What is that top pic Umbra or are they all the same plant ? - Frosty !
Morning FolksGood Morning everyone. Ness, I use rapid rooter plugs and clonex to start all my plants. Works great. This time I forgot the clonex so I started 'em with Roses method of using honey. We'll see how that goes. Anyhow to answer your question, they work great!
,,,,,,,i don't think ill grow in my house till my boy is grown and has moved out ,,,i wont put him at risk again ,,,i was stupid last time real stupid ,,,but i got lucky even tho i had to do 6 months it could have been a lot worsezigggy, I really wish they were closer. I spent a lot of money building the perfect grow room before I got popped. Cops pretty much destroyed all the equipment but the room is still there. Maybe in a year or two I can refill it and finlly use it again.