Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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If it works ?-- Keep doing it -- If it don't try something else -- Seems simple enough !-- I kinda fell into water pharming and LEDs ---I thought it might be a good idea to get some lights while the getting was good -- I got what I need to set back up -just add water --then I'll need to upgrade my lights as I can --
I had to wait to get some stuff outta here before I could do much about painting -- Now that I got the master bedroom empty it'll go much faster !-- I got some clean up then paint prep and it's on !-- One bedroom at a time !-- Too beat up feeling from the cold aches to do anything today !
Good morning peeps
It is 13 degrees here. I am walking like keef this morning, all sore from doing way too much yesterday. I think i have a store bought mango haze i might pray work. I had to buy another humidifier, thanks again Gman, those are really nice. I got a small one for the closet. Our humidity is 2.
Have a good day peeps. I will be the one drooling in a corner.
Carry on !-- Rose and I will be in the corner drooling !-- Just seems like that kinda day ?-- I opened the door and looked at the work room -- closed the door and walked away -- I'm done for the day- probably
Good morning peeps
It is 13 degrees here. I am walking like keef this morning, all sore from doing way too much yesterday. I think i have a store bought mango haze i might pray work. I had to buy another humidifier, thanks again Gman, those are really nice. I got a small one for the closet. Our humidity is 2.
Have a good day peeps. I will be the one drooling in a corner.

lol. 2? i don't think that qualifies as humidity. ron white has a comedy routine where his wife asks what the temperature is outside and he looks at the thermometer and it says 0. so he tells her there is no temperature... 2 is pretty close to no humidity. take care and feel better
Saw the damage from the tornados and I'm having post hurricane flashbacks !-- Got no money but I send my sympathy !-- The death toll won't include those that die in the aftermath and not during the Tornado! -- When will things return to normal for U ?-- That's gone !- I'm sorry !
Humidity of 2 ?-- Pretty close to no humidity ?- Dam !

I was thinking of that pink beauty Earl gots !-- U know there is just way too many choices of varieties to grow ?-- I got to start over so why not pick out a niche and just be good at it instead of trying to grow all 15,000 varieties ? -- Head injury people we got to organize stuff it just comes with the territory-- We can get overwhelmed by information overload so U develop tunnel vision !-- Maybe I just start with Tasty Plants with Color ?-- I'm the only one I gotta please ?-- I know good weed from bad -- Black plants with purple and pink bud ?-- red hair -?- golden hair? -- Maybe this will be my weed hood ?

Edit :-- Earl what kind of weed U like to grow ?-- We'll do some seed swapping when I get settled back in ? -- I got some serious indicas and a bunch of chit never been grown -- It ain't the stuff with fancy names like they got in the free states but they got some fine bloodlines !--
Born and bred right here in the free state of Texas !-- Er ?-- We be free one day !- So maybe they was born and bred in Texas under the jack boot of prohibition --when they hunted our kind for sport ---with the threat of jail always present --for even a dirty pipe !-- Insert middle finger emogee here !
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That lady with the rebel flag said I was an immigrant and should be deported -- It's true my family did immigrate to the United States !--Even though it wasn't the United States yet !---Later my family fought with both the blue and the grey in that great unpleasantness --That was anything but civil !--but --she got my interest up ! -- So if they was gonna deport me would it be to some warm place ?-- Because I might be down for voluntary deportation if that's the case ?
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Most important thing is
Don't forget to pay your taxes!
12-20 Million illegal aliens are depending on you.
Illegals get fake IDs and jobs and get the shit taxed out of them like most of the non-rich. lol
So many maids, busboys, ect doing the work for pay the most would not not take for the jobs they do.
The question is did I already take an afternoon dose of that tincture or do I need to take some ?-- Do U feel lucky punk ?
Maybe they could deport me to Puerto Rico it stays warm there all year right ?--

That tincture be alright ya'll !--
Shut up Other Keef !-- Look at U !--
I guess we be knowing whether U needed more tincture ?-- I'm ashamed of U !-- U need to find Jesus or something !-- Hanging out getting high all the time and that music ?-- U need to get right with somebody !-- Back in the hospital we used to call that little walk U doing the Thorazine Shuffle !-- U ain't been anywhere near some Thorazine -- I'm ashamed of U !-- Do that walk again ?
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Puerto Rico is murder central right now, and you might be mistaken for a foreigner from a third world country. Not a great day at work. I got lots done, just overly busy and under paid. Healdsburg tomorrow and meetings on Weds
Never did get much done today -- Maybe I'll be able to move better tomorrow ?-- I heard it said one time that the pen was mightier than the sword !-- If that be true then I'd say someone took a mighty pencil whooping today !-- U gotta watch Other Keef when he get high like that ! -- Que the Young Guns /Blaze of Glory music !-- I can't tell ya anymore cause of the rules and such !-- Don't worry bout me --Nobody can see me cause I'm in the spirit world !
Pretty sure if they got a post office it got my picture up there with the most wanted !-- U shoulda seen it !-- Other Keef was smokin'm !-- Sure he get me in trouble some time but I was proud of him today!
Morning OFC !
Wake and Bake !- I'm not digging the cold !-- I will try not to get so high today that I act a fool !-- I already took some that tincture so no promises !-- pipe is full but we working on it !

I been having coffee and entertaining Other Keef !-- We up to no good !-- Spreading vicious lies and such !
Did U know they already got Hannity indicted and Murdock is gonna sell Fox news to save himself ?-- They gonna turn it into an evangelical station --Preaching 24/7 !

-- I know it's true cause I made it up myself !-
-Good Times !

Good morning y'all!
Its a wonderfull day in the neighborhood. Cold, dark and quiet. I'm thinking it might be a good day to sight in the SKS.
We aren't allowed to use H.P. rifles for deer so, hmmm, what could It be used for?

I'm out of biotics so I took a hand full of bokashi and worked down into the soil then gave them a good drink of molasses water.
I wasn't sure if it would do anything but this morning my girlz are reaching for the lights almost singing! Gotta pick up some EM1 today.

Good morning y'all!
Its a wonderfull day in the neighborhood. Cold, dark and quiet. I'm thinking it might be a good day to sight in the SKS.
We aren't allowed to use H.P. rifles for deer so, hmmm, what could It be used for?
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Stock up on ammo over the next couple of years. The gun grabbers are threatening executive action against guns and ammo if they take the White House...
Got That right OF8!
I been stocking up a long time and I have reloading equipment and supplies for all my weapons.
I'm not even allowed to have a gun but I damn well dare Anybody to even Try to take mine. It wouldn't go well for them.

My next up n comming crop.
Oregon Lemons
Sr91 x Mazar x bbsl
Apricot head
Cheech Wizard x grand daddy haze.
Almost time to sex them and thin the herd.


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Got That right OF8!
I been stocking up a long time and I have reloading equipment and supplies for all my weapons.
I'm not even allowed to have a gun but I **** well dare Anybody to even Try to take mine. It wouldn't go well for them.
My wife and I laugh when news reports say this one or that one had close to 1000 rounds after cops raided a house. 1000 rounds is a half a day at the range with my sons...
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