Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Get it Nick !
Hey Ness - Good to have U back around glad U had a good trip !--
Overcast and cool at the beach -- 70s/49 -- There's been a run on empty lots on the island lately -- They building 3-4 houses within earshot-- The hammering bout to get on my last nerve -- The dogs don't like it either -- We in a housing boom from new industry moving in -- The empty lots bout gone and it looks like by spring existing home sales gonna go thru the roof -- Then I sell !-- Found me some mystery seed -- I know who da momma is ( Mimosa) but not a clue who da daddy is -- I'm grow me some this !

The hammering got to stop ya'll !
Good morning friends,
Chilly and gray here today. Sunny and beautiful in my grow room otherwise known as the bathroom. I just will sit in there all day.
we have been lazy this week. I promise i will make oil and tincture one day soon.
So, mimosa huh, i have never smoked that. I am going to roll and chocoplope/lambsbread joint and then hit it. or take a nap. lol
Well, I spoke too soon. We got an inch of snow and lots more in the forecast. I'm all supplied up so its good. I even have a bunch of unseen movies. See ya in the thaw!
Enjoy it Nick!
We have just at 10" now and still snowing.
I Have been able to work on the harvest tho. Gotta Finnish 1 NS x bbsl then the last Frank's Gift.
Still have 1 NS x bbsl about 3 weeks behind the others.
Does it seem like a lot of the posters about LED’s are manufacturer plants trying to sell us on their LEDs?
ate a double dose of brownies. jo the american bulldog had one too. i predict we will be jello in an hour or so. those brownies are not going to eat themselves...
OF -- I'm making medicine myself -- Still got some more to go but after I run it thru that sifter and decarb it -- I only have to pack the caps full -- I might have to get my caps making machine out ?-- That's a lot to make one cap at a time --I'm done for awhile anyway --
That's trim --U have to take more but it's easier to control the dosage -- I got some caps made outta bud in my belly and they just kicking in !-- I'll have to test the trim caps and if nessessary I can add some bud to make them stronger -- I'm looking for a functional dose from the trim caps -- If I want go get stupid high I eat some caps made of bud !
I have a cap machine. Kind of a pain in the buttocks. Used to make Hawthorne berry caps for my BP and turmeric powder caps for Mrs Fogey. Way too much time for that but I am sure you get more bang for your buck making weed caps.
Just used up the last of me homegrown...well not used up yet just yet but processed into edible form...another month and maybe a half till the next harvest...might be goin to check out one of the pot stores in the area... yes I kept a little smokin stash too...
Hey Rose -- I called somebody a Slimy Criminal Racist Moral Deviant today -- It was not well received !-- It was a good day !
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OF --It's just whatever news show comes up on YouTube -- I'm saving my Benedict Arnold comment for another time -- Some of them words they call me are just made up words - I couldn't even find them in the dictionary but boy is it easy to get they panties in a knot !-- I know I should feel guilty messing with them but I can't help myself !
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